摘要: 为了利用微弱信号准确诊断转子系统早期故障, 提出了一种基于局域波法和混沌振子相结合的信号检测方法。利用局域波法将微弱的故障信号分解为有限的并且具有不同基本模式的分量, 每个分量是单一成分信号, 实现了信噪分离。将局域波分量输入混沌振子, 通过混沌振子系统行为由混沌状态变为大周期运动状态, 表明检测信号中含有特征成分, 实现了利用混沌振子对低信噪比的微弱信号识别。故障诊断结果表明: 所提出的检测方法是可行的, 能准确诊断转子系统早期不对中故障。Abstract: In order to accurately diagnose early fault of rotor system with weak signal, a new signal detection method based on local wave method associated with chaos oscillator was presented. Weak fault signal was divided into finite local wave components with different simple-intrinsic modes, so that signal was separated from noise. The components were inputted into chaos oscillator, and were transformed from chaotic states to large-scale periodic states, so that weak signal can be identified under low signal-noise ratio through distinguishing the characteristic frequency of signal. Fault diagnosis result shows that the method is feasible, can accurately diagnose early eccentricity fault of rotor system.
Key words:
- marine engineering /
- weak signal detection /
- local wave method /
- chaos /
- fault diagnosis
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