摘要: 为了实现交通网络混合交通流随机平衡分配, 分析了广义费用下多用户多方式的路径选择机理与网络平衡条件及信息条件下多用户多方式对路径选择的影响特征, 运用数学规划理论, 建立了基于信息条件的随机混合交通平衡分配模型, 并证明了模型解的等价性与唯一性。计算结果表明: 在信息市场占有率为30%, 经过6次迭代, 模型的解能够很快收敛, 显示了信息条件占有率对交通方式选择和流量分配的影响程度, 因此, 模型可行。Abstract: In order to realize the stochastic-balanceable assignment of mixed traffic flow in traffic network, the theory of routing selection and the conditions of network equilibrium were analyzed based on multi-user and multi-mode on the conditions of generalized cost and traffic information, a stochastic-balanceable assignment model of mixed traffic flow was put forward by using mathematical programming theory on the condition of traffic information, and the equivalence and uniqueness of the solution for the model were demonstrated. Computation result shows that the solution of the model quickly converges when the possessive ratio of traffic information market is 30%, and the iteration times are only 6, which indicates the effect degrees of traffic information on traffic mode choice and traffic flow assignment, so the model is feasible.
Key words:
- traffic network /
- information conditions /
- multi-user and multi-mode /
- traffic assignment
表 1 公共交通方式行程时间函数
Table 1. Travel time functions of public traffic mode
表 2 私家车方式行程时间函数
Table 2. Travel time functions of private car mode
表 3 路段上公交方式平衡流量
Table 3. Balance flows of bus mode on links
表 4 路段上私家车方式平衡流量
Table 4. Balance flows of private car mode on links
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