摘要: 为了从车-路耦合角度客观、直接地识别道路事故多发路段, 开发了事故多发路段动力学仿真识别系统, 建立了车辆模型、道路模型与车-路耦合模型, 提出了事故多发路段识别方法, 通过小附着系数路面动力学仿真试验和弯道制动动力学仿真试验进行验证。采用闭环控制方法控制汽车的运行状态, 依据道路的特性, 选择表征车辆行驶安全性的特征参数, 通过特征参数曲线识别事故多发路段。仿真结果表明: 在主要考虑道路因素导致事故多发时, 所识别出的事故多发路段与依据交警部门事故统计信息所识别出的事故多发路段一致, 因此, 此系统可行。Abstract: In order to directly and objectively identify road accident black spot from road conditions coupled with vehicles, a dynamics system of simulation and identification for road accident black spot was developed, vehicle model, road model and vehicle-road coupling model were set up, a identification method of road accident black spot was put forward, and the feasibility of the system was validated by using dynamics simulation examples when vehicle running on small cling coefficient road and braking on curve road. The running states of vehicle were controlled by using close-looped control method, the character parameters of running safe states for vehicle were chosed according to road characters, and road accident black spot was identified according to the curves of the parameters. Dynamics simulation result shows that the identification result is consistent with the accident statistic analysis result from the department of point constable when main considering road factors, so the system is feasible.
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