Traction rod arrangement modes of locomotive with six axles and driving equipment flexibly suspended on frame
摘要: 为了开发中国运行速度为200km·h-1的2C0轴式单杆牵引高速机车转向架, 研究了牵引杆布置方式对机车运行安全性的影响。采用多体动力学软件SIMPACK建立了2C0轴式弹性架悬机车整车动力学模型, 在惰行、牵引和制动工况下, 分析了单牵引杆由转向架向车体端部和中部牵引时, 机车的直线运行性能和曲线通过性能。分析结果表明: 牵引杆布置方式对机车动力学性能影响不显著, 建议采用牵引杆端部牵引的方案, 以简化机车车体的设计与制造。采用牵引杆端部牵引的机车可安全通过R400m和R1600m的S形曲线; 通过R400m小半径曲线时, 机车惰行运行的轮对横向力大于牵引和制动工况的横向力, 制动工况的轮重减载率较大; 通过R2800m大半径曲线时, 机车牵引和惰行的轮对横向力大小相当, 大于制动工况的横向力。Abstract: The influence of traction rod arrangement modes on locomotive running safety was researched to develope new bogies with single traction rod for 200 km·h-1 locomotive with six axles(i.e.2C0), a dynamics model of locomotive with driving equipment flexibly suspended on frame and six axles was established by SIMPACK.Under the conditions of traction, braking and passing through irregularity track, when traction rods acted at the middle or two ends of car body, locomotive behaviors through tangent or curved tracks were analyzed.Analysis result shows that the positions of the rod have tiny effect on the dynamics performances of locomotive, and the plan of traction rod acting at two ends of car body is suggested to simplify the design and manufacture of car body.The locomotive can pass safely through the S shape curves with R400 m and R1 600 m radii; lateral force passing through the curve with R400 m radius is larger than that under driving and braking conditions, and wheel unloading ratio on braking condition is larger; lateral force under passing or tracting through the curve with R2 800 m radius is larger than that on braking condition.
表 1 模型的自由度及广义坐标
Table 1. Freedom degrees and generalized coordinates of model
刚体名称 纵向 横移 垂向 侧滚 点头 摇头 车体 Xc Yc Zc Φc θc Ψc 构架 Xsi Ysi Zsi Φsi θsi Ψsi 轮对 Xwj Ywj Zwj* Φwj* θwj Ψwj 驱动装置 Xdj Ydj Zdj Φdj θdj Ψdj 空心轴' Yhj Φhj* Ψhj* 大齿轮' θoj 吊杆' Φrk θrk Ψrk 牵引杆' Φti θti Ψti 轨道 Ygj Zgj Φgj 注: 带“*”的自由度为不独立的自由度; 带“' ”刚体的自由度不是相对系统坐标的; 下标i=1~2, j=1~6, k=1~12。 表 2 曲线通过计算工况
Table 2. Calculation conditions of negotiating curve
圆曲线半径/m 缓和曲线长度/m 超高/mm 速度/(km·h-1) 线路级别 牵引力与制动力/kN 400 90 125 82 AAR4 310 2 800 170 80 200 AAR6 132 表 3 牵引杆位置对动力学性能的影响
Table 3. Influence of traction rod positions on dynamics performance
指标 工况 直线 曲线半径为R400 m 曲线半径为R2 800 m 中牵 端牵 中牵 端牵 中牵 端牵 横向力/kN 惰行 36.9 37.5 71.7 72.5 62.8 61.6 制动 30.6 31.5 64.7 65.1 52.9 51.6 牵引 30.8 31.5 62.1 61.4 63.1 61.9 脱轨系数 惰行 0.18 0.19 0.68 0.67 0.36 0.35 制动 0.15 0.15 0.49 0.50 0.38 0.37 牵引 0.16 0.16 0.64 0.67 0.41 0.40 轮重减载率 惰行 0.36 0.35 0.64 0.64 0.47 0.48 制动 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.68 0.51 0.50 牵引 0.34 0.34 0.62 0.64 0.53 0.52 表 4 S形曲线通过计算工况
Table 4. Calculation conditions of S shape curve negotiation
圆曲线半径/m 缓和曲线长度/m 速度/(km·h-1) 夹直线长度/m 超高/mm 线路级别 140 3 10 3 0 无 1 600 150 160 80 105 AAR5 -
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