摘要: 为解决目前一车苫盖2张货车篷布(简称X型篷布) 存在的严重兜风现象与货物湿损问题, 并检验新型篷布(简称D型篷布) 的使用效果, 基于不同装载与加固方案, 通过实车试验, 针对D型篷布与X型篷布在有绳网和无绳网12种情况下, 测试了列车交会压力波和货车蓬布绳索拉力。测试结果表明: 当80~120km·h-1速度下的货车与200~210km·h-1速度下的动车组交会时, 动车组上感受的最大压力波幅值仅为577Pa, 货车感受到的最大压力波幅值为715Pa; 绳索最大值为1055N, 出现在无网X型篷布的角绳上, 满足相关规定要求; 没有苫盖篷布绳网时, 2种篷布兜风现象均较严重, 同等速度下无绳网X型篷布逆向压缝篷布绳索拉力比顺向压缝的大40%左右; 篷布绳网在降低篷布绳索气动力中发挥了重要作用, 大部分工况下无绳网篷布绳索受到的气动力比有网的大50%~80%。可见, 在相同工况下, D型篷布比X型篷布使用性能优良。Abstract: In order to solve catching wind badly and goods being soaked and damaged easily for two-piece freight tarpaulin (X-type tarpaulin), and to test the using effect of new freight tarpaulin (D-type tarpaulin), defferent loading and reinforcing projects were considered, twelve using conditions with and without cord net were confirmed, the crossing pressure waves of trains and the tensile forces of tarpaulin cord and net cord were tested by full-scale train test.The result shows that when freight car at 80~120 km·h-1 passes by multiple unites at 200~210 km·h-1, the maximal magnitudes of air pressure waves are 577 Pa and 715 Pa separately for multiple unites and freight car; the maximal tensile force of cord is 1 055 N, and it appears at the corner cord of X-type tarpaulin without net, which satisfies the demand of correlative standards; catching wind of two kinds of tarpaulins without net is seriously, and at the same speed, the tensile force of X-type tarpaulin against wind is about 40% greater than that down wind; cord net has an important role, and the tensile force of cord without net is 50%~80% greater than that with net.Thus, D-type tarpaulin has better using performance than X-type tarpaulin under the same instance.
表 1 交会空气压力波幅值
Table 1. Magnitudes of crossing pressure waves
序号 速度/ (km·h-1) 交会压力波幅值/Pa 动车组 货车 动车组 敞车 D型蓬布 X型蓬布 1 200 79 235 503 335 319 2 199 101 391 527 342 350 3 200 120 560 541 365 354 4 205 117 577 644 376 394 5 210 118 548 715 434 427 表 2 绳索的最大拉力
Table 2. Maximal tensile forces of tarpaulin cords
序号 速度/ (km·h-1) 篷布绳索最大拉力/N D型 X型 动车组 货车 无网 有网 无网 有网 1 200 79 591 295 604 335 2 199 101 680 392 722 448 3 200 120 804 412 926 613 4 205 117 610 239 858 694 5 210 118 789 372 1 055 710 表 3 D型篷布绳索拉力平均值比较
Table 3. Average value comparison of D-type tarpaulin cord
序号 车型与速度/ (km·h-1) D型篷布绳索拉力平均值/N 无网 有网 动车组 货车 超车帮大于1 m 不超车帮 超车帮小于1 m 超车帮小于1 m 不超车帮 超车帮小于1 m 1 200 79 350 352 334 172 185 163 2 199 101 416 427 380 196 206 185 3 200 120 458 478 429 209 225 199 4 205 117 445 469 432 194 208 187 5 210 118 444 468 434 196 216 185 表 4 X型篷布绳索拉力平均值比较
Table 4. Average value comparison of X-type tarpaulin cord
序号 车型与速度/ (km·h-1) X型篷布绳索拉力平均值/N 无网 有网 动车组 货车 超车帮大于1 m 不超车帮 超车帮小于1 m 超车帮小于1 m 不超车帮 超车帮小于1 m 1 200 79 217 227 210 148 157 140 2 199 101 247 258 236 165 176 160 3 200 120 280 286 274 187 199 179 4 205 117 274 285 266 181 199 174 5 210 118 273 292 260 182 196 171 -
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