Development laws of transverse cracking for continuously reinforced concrete pavement
摘要: 为了了解连续配筋混凝土路面(CRCP) 横向开裂的实际发展规律, 对湖南省耒宜高速公路CRCP试验路进行了5.5a的跟踪调查与检测, 对裂缝间距和裂缝宽度的测试结果进行了统计分析。分析结果表明: 随着龄期的增长, CRCP横向开裂按产生速度的快慢可分为硬化开裂期、过渡开裂期和稳定开裂期, 裂缝间距和裂缝宽度的变异系数一般分别在0.30~0.35和0.20~0.25之间, 平均裂缝间距与龄期之间呈现良好的幂函数关系, 平均裂缝宽度与气温之间存在良好的线性关系, 裂缝间距服从正态分布规律。Abstract: In order to understand the real development laws of transverse cracking for continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), a CRCP trial road on Leiyang-Yizhang expressway of Hunan Province had been investigated and tested for 5.5 a, and the test results of crack space and crack width were analyzed by using statistical method.Analysis result shows that CRCP transverse cracking can be divided into 3 periods with its age increase according to cracking development speed, including hardened cracking, transition cracking and stabilized cracking; in general, the variance coefficients of crack space and crack width are respectively 0.30~0.35 and 0.20~0.25;there is a fine power function relation between average crack space and CRCP age, there is a good linear function relation between average crack width and air temperature, and crack space accords with normal distribution.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- CRCP /
- transverse cracking /
- crack space /
- crack width
表 1 横向开裂调查结果
Table 1. Investigating result of transverse cracking
序号 观测时间 龄期t/d 气温T/℃ 裂缝数N/条 裂缝间距 裂缝宽度 平均值l/m 标准差σl/m 变异系数δl 平均值w/mm 标准差σw/mm 变异系数δw 1 2001-05-27 20 22 31 29.67 22.22 0.749 0.294 0.065 0.223 2 2001-05-29 22 20 62 17.87 13.65 0.764 0.325 0.084 0.258 3 2001-06-20 44 34 79 14.50 8.57 0.591 0.249 0.068 0.271 4 2001-06-25 49 31 82 13.96 8.63 0.618 0.270 0.102 0.378 5 2001-07-19 73 32 84 13.18 7.56 0.574 0.318 0.063 0.199 6 2001-09-05 121 25 126 9.13 5.98 0.655 0.327 0.076 0.233 7 2001-11-23 200 13 189 6.14 4.05 0.660 0.476 0.105 0.221 8 2002-06-04 393 29 228 4.87 1.70 0.349 — — — 9 2003-01-23 626 12 247 4.45 1.55 0.348 0.546 0.190 0.348 10 2003-10-02 878 22 284 3.87 1.29 0.333 — — — 11 2004-10-03 1 245 25 325 3.38 1.12 0.331 — — — 12 2005-10-03 1 610 21 356 3.09 1.01 0.327 — — — 13 2006-12-29 2 062 3 378 2.91 0.94 0.323 — — — 表 2 概率分布检验
Table 2. Test of probability distribution
变量 样本数 平均值 标准差 统计值D 临界值Dn 检验结论 l/m 228 4.87 1.70 0.076 4 0.089 2 符合正态分布 ln (l) 228 1.51 0.40 0.114 5 0.089 2 不符合对数正态分布 -
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