Computation models of capacity influenced by non-power-driven vehicle at signalized intersection
摘要: 为量化非机动车对信号交叉口通行能力的影响, 分析了信号交叉口非机动车影响机动车运行的方式, 估计了其持续时间, 基于流量-速度关系, 计算了不同情况下的饱和流率, 建立了非机动车影响下典型信号交叉口通行能力模型。计算结果表明: 利用本模型计算的左转、直行机动车通行能力总体上低于HCM(Highway Capacity Manual)计算值; 而右转机动车通行能力计算值在非机动车流量较低时与HCM计算值接近, 在非机动车流量较高时略高于HCM计算值。可见, 此模型可有效应用于计算非机动车影响下的信号交叉口通行能力。Abstract: In order to quantify the effect of non-power-driven vehicle on the capacity of signalized intersection, the influence ways of non-power-driven vehicle were analyzed, and the time durations of various influences were estimated, saturation flow rates in various conditions were obtained on the basis of speed-flow relation, and the capacity models of typical signalized intersection were built.Computation result indicates that the proposed models yield lower left-turn and through capacities compared with HCM method, right-turn capacities predicted by the models essentially agree with those by HCM method in low non-power-driven vehicle volume condition, and are higher in high non-power-driven vehicle volume conditions.So the models are applicable to calculate the capacity of signalized intersections influenced by non-power-driven vehicle.
Key words:
- capacity /
- signalized intersection /
- non-power-driven vehicle /
- gap acceptance theory
表 1 平均车速实测值
Table 1. Mean measure speeds of vehicular flow
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