摘要: 为准确预测道路交通安全评价中微观路段的运行车速, 确定了三级公路的驾驶员安全性认知模糊集, 建立了基于Multi Gen Creator软件的15个路段的三维仿真模型, 开发了基于Vega的虚拟仿真系统, 组织了53名驾驶员, 在大型三通道柱面投影仿真系统中, 进行了运行车速认知因子的评价试验。应用模糊统计方法对795组有效认知试验数据进行了分析, 建立了包含道路平曲线半径、纵坡度和行车视距认知因子的三级公路安全性认知评价模型。虚拟仿真试验与道路试验分析结果表明: 平曲线半径、纵坡度和行车视距认知因子评判等级的平均贴近度分别为0.63、0.74和0.70, 因此, 虚拟仿真试验方法可行。Abstract: In order to study the prediction of operating speed on microsection for road safety evaluation, the driver's safety perception factor sets for third-class highway were determined, 3-D simulation model including 15 sections was built by using MultiGen Creator software, and the virtual simulation system was developed by using Vega.The perception evaluation tests with 53 drivers were carried out in three-channel cylinder projection system.Based on the analysis of 795 groups test data, the evaluation model including horizontal curve radius, longitudinal gradient and sight distance for third-class highway was presented by means of fuzzy statistics method.Computation result shows that the mean nearnesses between simulation tests and road tests of the individual evaluation levels on safety perception factors are 0.63, 0.74 and 0.70 respectively.So virtual simulation test is an effective means for the prediction of operating speed.
Key words:
- road traffic safety /
- operating speed /
- virtual simulation test /
- third-class highway /
- perception factor /
- nearness
表 1 安全性认知评价模糊模型
Table 1. Fuzzy evaluation models of safety perception
平曲线半径模型 纵坡度模型 视距模型 表 2 各评判等级的贴近度
Table 2. Nearnesses of evaluation levels
评价等级 1 2 3 4 平曲线半径 急弯 较急弯 缓弯 很缓弯 贴近度 N1(μsA14, μ14) N1(μsA13, μ13) N1(μsA12, μ12) N1(μsA11, μ11) 贴近度值 0.53 0.53 0.52 0.92 纵坡度 陡坡 较陡坡 缓坡 很缓坡 贴近度 N1(μsA24, μ24) N1(μsA23, μ23) N1(μsA22, μ22) N1(μsA21, μ21) 贴近度值 0.92 0.55 0.62 0.86 视距 很短 短 较长 很长 贴近度 N1(μsA34, μ34) N1(μsA33, μ33) N1(μsA32, μ32) N1(μsA31, μ31) 贴近度值 0.71 0.56 0.67 0.85 -
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