Impacting experiment and numerical simulation of energy-absorbing component of vehicles
摘要: 为了设计某列车耐撞性车体, 实现列车被动安全保护, 进行了台车碰撞试验和数值仿真计算, 研究了耐撞性车体吸能部件的吸能特性。在台车撞击试验过程中, 吸能部件从预期部位开始发生稳定有序的塑性变形, 吸收的冲击动能与最大变形量基本成正比关系, 说明该部件具有良好的吸能效果。并在此基础上, 应用显式动力有限元理论建立了其有限元撞击模型, 进行了数值仿真计算。相关性分析结果表明: 仿真结果与试验结果基本一致, 在整个撞击过程中, 撞击力曲线基本吻合, 最大撞击力峰值分别为2486.3、2423.1kN, 最大变形量误差和初始撞击力峰值误差都小于3%, 反弹速度误差小于4%。显然, 利用撞击试验验证了数值计算的有效性和可靠性, 利用数值计算设计和优化车辆吸能部件是可行的。Abstract: In order to design the crashworthy car-body of one train and to realize its passive safety, an impacting experiment fo trolley was carried out to study the energy-absorbing property of energy-absorbing component for the car-body. During the impacting experiment process of trolley, the plastic deformation of the component is steady and ordered beginning with the anticipative part, and the absorbed energy is proportional to the maximum deformation, so the component has good energy-absorbing property. Based on experiment result, a finite element impacting model was set up by using explicit dynamic finite element theory, and numerical simulation was carried out. Relativity analysis result shows that simulation result accords well with experiment result, the curves of impacting forces are consistent well, and the maximum peak values of impacting forces are 2486.3 and 2423.1 kN respectively, the differences of the maximum deformations and the first peak values of impacting forces are less than 3%, and the difference of rebound velocities is less than 4%. So the validity and reliability of numerical simulation are verified by impacting experiment, and it is feasible to design and optimize the energy-absorbing components through numerical calculation.
表 1 试验结果
Table 1. Experimental results
试验编号 撞击速度/ (m·s-1) 反弹速度/ (m·s-1) 能量变化/kJ 最大变形量/mm 初始撞击力峰值/kN 1 14.19 0.95 123.88 150 2 138.9 2 15.72 0.80 152.32 170 2 381.7 3 16.00 0.62 157.97 184 2 423.1 4 16.41 1.05 165.74 200 2 470.3 表 2 结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of results
参数 最大变形量/mm 达到最大变形量时间/ms 初始撞击力峰值/kN 初始撞击力峰值出现时间/ms 反弹速度/ (m·s-1) 碰撞试验 184.0 25.0 2 423.1 0.25 0.62 数值分析 188.5 25.2 2 486.3 0.24 0.60 误差率/% 2.45 0.80 2.60 4.00 3.20 -
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