摘要: 为了解制动工况下转向系统敏感度对前轮摆振的影响程度, 将车轮、前轴与钢板弹簧作为一个整体进行考虑, 分析了钢板弹簧和转向系统的空间状态变化情况, 提出了前轮摆动角的计算方法, 以转向系统空间状态引起的前轮摆动角为指标评价转向系统敏感度。计算结果表明: 在空载状态下, 当制动力达到35kN时, 前轮摆动角最大值为0.5°。可见, 此车转向系统敏感度较低, 评价结果符合实际, 因此, 计算方法可行。Abstract: In order to determine the effect of the sensitivity of steering system on the shimmy of front wheel under braking condition, wheel, front axle and leaf springs were considered as a whole, the changes of dimensional states of leaf spring and steering system were analyzed, a mathematic method of the shimmy angle of front wheel was proposed, and the sensitivity of steering system was evaluated with the shimmy angle resulted from the change of dimensional state of steering system. Computation result indicates that the maximum of the shimmy angle is 0.5° when braking force is 35 kN. Obviously, the sensitivity of vehicle steering system is lower, the evaluation result accords with its real state, so the method is feasible.
Key words:
- automobile engineering /
- steering system /
- sensitivity /
- dimensional state /
- shimmy of front wheel
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