Computation model of network scale for urban rail transit based on traffic demand overflow
摘要: 为了从道路建设的程度测算城市轨道交通线网的规模, 分析了目前国内采用的轨道交通线网规模测算方法, 提出了基于溢出交通需求的轨道交通线网规模测算模型。在保证规划年城市道路网能维持一定的服务水平的前提下, 测算出城市交通总需求相对于道路供给的溢出量, 将溢出交通需求换算成客运量转由轨道交通承担, 利用轨道交通线网的负荷强度指标进而可确定轨道交通线网规模, 并采用不同的方法对2020年西安市轨道交通线网规模进行了测算。测算结果表明: 按出行需求推算的线网规模为103.68km, 从财政实力“可能”的角度分析为66.32~94.74km, 基于溢出交通需求推算为95.89km, 计算结果基本一致, 说明提出的测算模型可行。Abstract: In order to compute the network scale of urban rail transit based on the development degree of roads, the computation methods were analyzed at present, and a new computation model based on traffic demand overflow was built. With the precondition that road network could afford taffic service at certain service level in the future, the overflow of total traffic demand contrasted with road network capacity was computed, the overflow was transformed to passenger transport demand and was transported by rail transit, the rational scale of rail transit network could be confirmed by using its load intensity, the network scale of Xi'an rail transit in 2020 was computed by using different methods, and the computation results were compared. The result from travel demand model is 103.68 km, the result from financial strength analysis is 66.32~94.74 km, the result from the new model is 95.89 km, the results are basically accordant, so the new model is feasible.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- urban rail transit /
- network scale /
- traffic demand overflow
表 1 路网容量
Table 1. Capacity of road network
道路类别 快速路 主干路 次干路 支路 长度/km 321.52 705.51 823.54 1 051.68 平均车道数/条 6.0 4.5 3.2 1.5 车道里程/km 1 929.12 3 174.80 2 635.33 1 577.52 理论通行能力/(pcu·h-1) 1 730 1 640 1 550 900 交叉口折减系数 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.5 车道综合折减系数 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 路网容量/(106pcu·km·h-1) 2.70 2.81 1.84 0.71 表 2 机动车出行交通需求测算
Table 2. Calculation of traffic demand for vehicle trip
车型 保有量/104veh 出行强度/(veh·d-1) 出行距离/km 车型换算系数 需求量/(106pcu·km·d-1) 小客车 78.4 4.5 10 1.0 35.28 出租车 2.0 36.8 10 1.0 7.36 大客车 2.5 4.8 10 3.0 3.53 公交车 0.8 18.6 15 3.0 6.70 小货车 15.3 3.8 10 1.0 5.82 大货车 9.5 2.2 10 3.0 6.30 摩托车 10.0 4.6 5 0.4 0.92 特殊车辆 1.5 3.2 10 1.5 0.72 表 3 客运机动车平均实载
Table 3. Average actual lading of passenger vehicle
车型 小客车 出租车 大客车 公交车 摩托车 平均实载/(人·veh-1) 1.5 1.8 18.0 26.0 1.2 表 4 溢出交通需求
Table 4. Traffic demand overflow
道路网饱和度 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 溢出交通需求/(106pcu·km·h-1) 0.17 0.98 1.78 2.59 3.40 溢出客运量/(104人次·h-1) 4.19 23.91 43.63 63.35 83.07 表 5 轨道交通线网规模
Table 5. Network scale of rail transit
道路网饱和度 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 客运量/(104人次·h-1) 4.19 23.91 43.63 63.35 83.07 线网长度/km 9.21 52.55 95.89 139.23 182.57 表 6 不同测算方法的计算结果
Table 6. Results of different calculating methods
测算方法 2020年规模/km 远景规模/km 按出行需求推算 103.68 254.75 按线网服务覆盖面推算 — 280.61 从财政实力“可能”的角度分析 66.32~94.74 — 基于溢出交通需求推算 95.89 — 注: 基于溢出交通需求推算时道路网饱和度为0.8。 -
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