摘要: 为了进一步提高分销系统的利润, 针对拓扑结构为一个分销商或供应商与若干个零售商的分销网络, 研究了在产品具有随机价格弹性需求时的系统优化问题, 采用各零售商处采用周期盘点的库存控制策略与供应商管理库存模式, 建立了分销系统利润优化模型, 设计了相应的求解算法。计算结果表明: 供货价格与正常批发价格的比值对模型最优解不产生影响, 随着商品零售价格的增加, 销售总量下降, 供应商的利润下降, 但是零售商的利润却上升了, 因此, 在确保系统总利润最大的前提下, 可通过合约的形式确定供货价格与正常批发价格的比值, 将零售商一定比例的利润转让给供应商, 从而激发供应商的积极性。Abstract: In order to increase the profit of distribution system, the distribution network was studied whose topology structure was one distributor or supplier and many retailers, the system optimization was analyzed when the product demand had stochastic price elasticity, retailer inventory control policy of cycle check and vendor managed inventory (VMI)mode were adopted, the profit optimization model and solving algorithm of distribution system were established. Calculation result shows that the ratio between supplying goods price and normal wholesale price doesn't affect the model optimal solution, total sales and suppliers' profits decrease with the increase of goods retail prices, but the retailers' profits increase. So the ratio between supplying goods price and normal wholesale price can be determined through the negotiation when total system profit is maximal, and suppliers' enthusiasm can be aroused when a certain proportion profit is transferred from retailers to suppliers.
表 1 模型主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of model
参数 参数值 参数 参数值 参数 参数值 C/(元·件-1) 100 O1、O2、O3/(元·次-1) 60 λ2 2.8 Cw/(元·件-1) 80 Ow/(元·次-1) 80 λ3 2.5 D10/万元 3 954.60 U/(元·次-1) 150 σ1/件 4 D20/万元 1 742.90 h1、h2/[元·(件·d)-1] 0.10 σ2/件 5 D30/万元 481.72 h3/[元·(件·d)-1] 0.15 σ3/件 7 u/(元·件-1) 2 λ1 3.0 表 2 模型计算结果
Table 2. Calculation results of model
系统成员 分销系统 供应商 零售商1 零售商2 零售商3 α=1.2 利润/元 2 926.0 1 751.1 336.5 387.3 451.1 Sj/件 T=9 d 818 232 269 317 α=1.3 利润/元 2 977.6 1 396.4 443.8 518.8 618.6 Sj/件 T=10 d 747 208 244 295 α=1.4 利润/元 2 942.7 1 131.4 498.7 591.6 721.0 Sj/件 T=11 d 688 188 224 276 α=1.5 利润/元 2 859.9 930.5 521.6 627.3 780.5 Sj/件 T=11 d 592 159 192 241 -
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