摘要: 为了精确选取铁道车辆各类液压减振器的卸荷速度, 提出了一种选取卸荷速度的2σ方法。通过试验测试和动力学仿真计算, 得到液压减振器两端的相对速度, 并进行概率统计分析、参数估计和概率分布假设检验。在相对速度属正态分布的前提下, 计算相对速度的2σ值, 并作为减振器的卸荷速度。计算结果表明: 通过该方法确定卸荷速度的液压减振器可使95%的车辆低频振动得到衰减, 5%的高频振动得到过滤。Abstract: In order to accurately choose the unloading velocity of hydraulic damper for railway vehicle, a 2σ method was proposed.The relative velocity of the damper was obtained by test and dynamics simulation, and probability statistical analysis, parameter estimation and probability distribution inspection were processed.Based on the normal distribution feature of the relative velocity, the 2σ value of the relative velocity was taken as the unloading velocity.The simulation result indicates that 95% of low frequency vibrations are damped, and 5% of high frequency vibrations are filtered by using the damper with the unloading velocity determined by the method.
表 1 车辆模型自由度
Table 1. Degrees of freedom for vehicle model
刚体名称 自由度 横移 浮沉 侧滚 点头 摇头 车体 Yc Zc Φc θc ψc 构架 Yb1~2 Zb1~2 Φb1~2 θb1~2 ψb1~2 轮对 Yw1~4 Zw1~4 Φw1~4 ψw1~4 -
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