摘要: 为了更加有效地分析车辆与路面突起的接触过程, 将轮胎简化为刚性圆环, 对现有有效路形的定义进行了改进, 将有效路形从原有的轮心轨迹转换为轮胎最低点的轨迹, 推导了有效路形的一般求解方程, 建立了以有效路形作为路面激励输入的2自由度车辆振动模型, 并进行了车辆平顺性仿真及试验验证。分析结果表明: 以有效路形作为路面输入的仿真结果与实车道路试验结果有着良好的一致性, 以有效路形为路面输入时, 车轴加速度平均相对误差为5.17%, 车身加速度平均相对误差为1.71%;以实际路形为路面输入时, 车轴加速度平均相对误差为12.93%, 车身加速度平均相对误差为28.48%。Abstract: In order to effectively analyze the actual contact process of tire with road surface, tire was simplified as a rigid circle, current effective road profile was changed from the center track of wheel to the rock bottom track of wheel, its general equations were set up to solve new effective road profiles, a vehicle vibration model with 2 degrees of freedom was presented, effective road profiles were regarded as road surface input, and the simulation and experiment of vehicle ride comfort were done.Analysis result shows that the simulation result of vibration accelerations for vehicle axle and body approaches to road experimental data.Under effective road profiles input, the average relative error of vehicle axle acceleration is 5.17%, and the average relative error of body acceleration is 1.71%.Under real road profile input, the average relative error of axle acceleration is 12.93%, and the average relative error of body acceleration is 28.48%.
表 1 仿真结果与试验结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of simulation and test results
车速/ (km·h-1) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 平均误差/% 车轴加速度/ (m·s-2) 实车试验 130.23 174.38 172.05 154.16 136.34 128.27 118.10 0.00 有效路形 108.43 168.36 177.88 156.04 135.69 119.27 113.47 5.17 实际路形 160.75 173.68 142.06 118.10 115.21 118.83 121.61 12.93 车身加速度/ (m·s-2) 实车试验 34.52 37.74 35.06 30.08 26.20 23.04 22.11 0.00 有效路形 34.35 38.38 34.72 30.29 26.45 23.32 20.79 1.71 实际路形 37.49 30.66 24.63 20.34 17.25 14.94 13.15 28.48 -
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