摘要: 为了对含有模糊基础数据和参数的公路工程项目方案进行有效评价, 建立了评价指标体系, 将评价指标分为梯形与三角形模糊变量, 在同一可能空间上或不同可能空间上进行模糊运算, 由Zadeh扩展原理得到模糊变量的隶属度, 利用模糊模拟技术计算模糊变量的可信值、关键值与期望值, 并利用计算值对项目进行了评价。评价结果表明: 评价项目的模糊期望净现值大于0, 可信值达到100%, 说明项目可行, 评价结果客观。Abstract: To effectively evaluate the alternatives of highway engineering project with fuzzy basic data and parameters, an economic evaluation indices system was set up, the indices were proposed as trapezoidal and triangular variables, their fuzzy calculations were completed in the same or different possible spaces, the membership of every index was gained by using Zadeh's expansion principle, the credibility value, key value and expectation value of every index were computed by using fuzzy simulation technique, and the alternatives were evaluated based on the computation values.Evaluation result shows that the fuzzy expectation net present value of the alternative is more than 0, the credibility value is 100%, so the alternative is feasible, and the outcome of the evaluation is objective.
Key words:
- road engineering /
- engineering project /
- index system /
- fuzzy simulation technique
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