摘要: 为了探明高速铁路轮轨动态相互作用特征, 运用铁道机车车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论, 考虑了轮轨系统参振的影响, 研究了高速运营条件下曲线轨道上的轮轨动态接触几何关系, 分析了安全性指标和舒适性指标的随机振动特性。研究结果表明: 在高速运营条件下, 曲线轨道上的轮轨动态接触几何关系具有明显的特点, 在160~300 km·h-1速度范围内, 减载率及车体振动加速度的敏感波长分别为1.0~2.5 m与40~50 m, 控制该波长范围不平顺对提高动车组的安全性及舒适性十分有利。Abstract: In order to reveal the wheel-rail dynamic interaction characteristic on high-speed railway, wheel-rail geometric relationship and the random vibration properties of running safety and comfort were carried out by using vehicle-track coupled dynamics theory, and wheel-rail vibration was taken into account.Analysis result shows that there is obvious characteristic of wheel-rail contact geometric relationship when a train passes though curved track at high speed.At the speeds ranging from 160 to 300 km·h-1, the sensitive wavelengths of rate of wheel load reduction and car body vibration acceleration are respectively in the scopes from 1.0 to 2.5 m and from 40 to 50 m.So it is benefit to improve the running safety and comfort of high-speed train while controlling the irregularity with the sensitive wavelengthes.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- high-speed train /
- wheel-rail system /
- dynamic interaction
表 1 轮重减载率的主频与敏感波长
Table 1. Main frequencies and sensitive wavelengthes of rate of wheel load reduction
表 2 体横向振动主频及敏感波长
Table 2. Main frequencies and sensitive wavelengthes of car body lateral vibration
表 3 车体垂向振动主频及敏感波长
Table 3. Main frequencies and sensitive wavelengthes of car body vertical vibration
表 4 横向平稳性指标计算结果
Table 4. Calculation result of lateral sperling indices
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