摘要: 分析了具有轮径差转向架的运动状态, 建立了车辆动力学模型, 以某高速车辆在直线上运行为例, 采用德国低干扰谱, 选择车辆运行速度为300 km·h-1, 研究了轮径差对行车安全性的影响趋势, 对比了转向架前后轮对同相轮径差与反相轮径差的影响程度。分析结果表明: 所有的轮径差都会影响行车安全性, 随着轮径差的增大, 车辆运行安全性指标逐渐变差, 反相轮径差对行车安全性影响较大, 同相轮径差的影响较小。由此可知, 在实际检修中应尽量减小轮对的轮径差, 尤其应严格控制转向架前后轮对反相轮径差到允许范围之内, 以保证车辆系统的行车安全性。Abstract: The running state of the bogie with wheel-diameter difference was analyzed, and a dynamics model of vehicle was set up.As an example of a high-speed vehicle running on the tangent tracks with Germany low-disturbing spectrum at 300 km·h-1, the influence of wheel-diameter difference on the running security of vehicle was analyzed by simulation, and the influences of the same phase's and opposite phase's wheel-diameter differences on the running security were compared.Analysis result shows that all of wheel-diameter differences affect the running security of vehicle system, the running security is getting worse with the increase of wheel-diameter difference, the opposite phase's wheel-diameter difference has larger influence, and the same phase's wheel-diameter difference has less influence.So in order to ensure the running security of vehicle system, the wheel-diameter difference should be minished by all means, especially, the opposite phase's wheel-diameter difference should be strictly controlled under permitted scope.
Key words:
- railway vehicle /
- bogie /
- wheelset /
- wheel-diameter difference /
- security
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