Stress spectrum analysis and fatigue life prediction about wheel axle of high-speed power car
摘要: 结合车辆系统在随机轨道谱激励下的动力响应与疲劳强度理论, 以“中华之星”高速动力车轴为例, 建立了动车系统的非线性动力学模型, 仿真车辆在典型线路上的运行特性, 获取作用于轮轴上的随机载荷谱。引入车轴材料的非线性本构关系, 进行轮轴的有限元分析, 得到车轴关键部位的应力时间历程, 对其进行统计分析后得到各危险点的应力谱。在此基础上, 运用局部应力应变法和累积损伤理论进行了车轴疲劳寿命估算和可靠性分析, 得到不同可靠度下的疲劳寿命。当可靠度为0.9时, 其疲劳寿命为16年。Abstract: Combining the dynamic response of vehicle under the excitation of track spectrum with fatigue strength theory, the wheel axle of China Star high-speed power car was taken as example, the nonlinear dynamics model of the power car was set up, the running property of vehicle on typical railway was simulated, and the random loads acted on vehicle wheelsets were obtained.Based on the nonlinear random cyclic constitution of the axle material, the finite element model of the wheelset was established, the stress time history of key region of the wheelset under the random loads was calculated, and the stress spectrum of hazard sections of the axle was obtained by statistical analysis.Using fracture mechanics theory and accumulative damage theory, the fatigue life of the axle was predicted, and its reliability was analysed.When the reliability was 0.9, the fatigue life was 16 years.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- wheel axle /
- dynamics simulation /
- random load /
- stress spectrum /
- fatigue life /
- reliability
表 1 左一系悬挂点处横向力载荷谱
Table 1. Lateral force spectrum at left first suspension
等级 幅值/N 频次 1 -51 222.759 49 2 -39 261.349 254 3 -27 188.548 8 231 4 -15 116.239 278 742 5 -3 042.312 2 170 000 6 9 027.754 725 305 7 21 209.351 48 786 8 33 186.651 241 表 2 左一系悬挂点处垂向力载荷谱
Table 2. Vertical force spectrum at left first suspension
等级 幅值/N 频次 1 47 010.326 91 2 63 086.126 12 450 3 77 236.356 226 310 4 93 285.568 1 440 000 5 107 645.334 1 370 000 6 122 809.394 224 207 7 138 671.941 133 168 8 149 365.764 146 表 3 右一系悬挂点处横向力载荷谱
Table 3. Lateral force spectrum at right first suspension
等级 幅值/N 频次 1 -41 212.423 137 2 -30 512.436 2 047 3 -18 964.769 59 781 4 -8 978.389 689 573 5 1 756.754 2 070 000 6 12 311.245 401 476 7 23 157.332 18 765 8 34 012.834 151 表 4 右一系悬挂点处垂向力载荷谱
Table 4. Vertical force spectrum at right first suspension
等级 幅值/N 频次 1 3 006.125 15 2 27 214.324 38 3 60 521.187 9 651 4 81 642.674 915 468 5 105 789.347 2 370 000 6 134 102.428 89 624 7 160 732.941 78 8 185 891.546 2 表 5 左圆弧过渡处应力谱
Table 5. Stress spectrum at left arc transition
等级 幅值/MPa 频次 累积频次 1 32.26 13 124 2 919 207 2 46.12 213 471 2 906 083 3 77.35 364 210 2 692 612 4 93.58 853 641 2 328 402 5 107.33 1 264 837 1 474 761 6 132.39 195 784 209 924 7 167.75 13 168 14 140 8 204.64 972 972 表 6 右圆弧过渡处应力谱
Table 6. Stress spectrum at right arc transition
等级 幅值/MPa 频次 累积频次 1 33.17 37 052 2 877 874 2 50.41 172 361 2 840 822 3 72.43 357 641 2 668 461 4 91.27 1 220 959 2 310 820 5 103.58 1 064 935 1 089 861 6 128.93 23 865 24 926 7 156.77 865 1 061 8 186.65 196 196 表 7 不同可靠度下的疲劳寿命
Table 7. Fatigue lifes with various reliabilities
R 0.5 0.9 0.95 0.99 0.999 0.999 9 F 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.001 0.000 1 t/年 46.0 16.0 11.0 6.5 4.5 4.0 -
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