摘要: 为了获得沥青路面微波热再生过程的温度场, 基于传热学理论, 分析了微波加热过程的传热形式, 建立了三维非稳态的传热模型, 研究了传热模型的边界条件, 求解了对流换热系数及辐射换热发射率, 根据能量守恒原理, 确定了内热源强度, 实现了电场到热场的转化。采用交替方向显(ADE) 格式, 提出了传热模型的数值解法, 对实测温度进行拟合, 并建立了传热边界条件数学模型, 仿真求得模型的可视化数值解。结果发现: 加热450 s时, 沥青混合料大部分区域接近70℃, 加热600 s时, 达到80℃, 加热到750 s时, 温度迅速上升到110℃左右, 这表明热量传递随加热时间是非线性的, 必须精确地选择加热时间以保证修补质量。Abstract: In order to achieve the temperature field of microwave hot recycling for asphalt pavement, heat transfer form was analyzed based on heat transfer theory, the corresponding 3D unsteady heat transfer model was built, boundary conditions were studied, convective heat transfer coefficient and radiation heat transfer emissivity were solved, the strength of internal heat source was studied according to energy conservation principle, and transformation between electric field and thermal field was realized, the numerical solution of heat transfer model was researched by adopting alternation direction explicit (ADE) scheme, the mathematic models of heat transfer boundary conditions were established by fitting experimental temperatures, and visualized numerical solution was obtained by simulation.Computation result shows that the temperatures of asphalt mixture in most region approach to 70 ℃ after heating for 450 s, reach about 80 ℃ after heating for 600 s, and reach about 110 ℃ rapidly after heating for 750 s; heat transfer is nonlinear and the heating time must be chosen accurately to guarantee repair quality.
表 1 横向边界温度
Table 1. Temperatures in horizontal boundary
℃ τ/s x/m -0.06 -0.03 0 0.03 0.06 240 16.6 20.4 16.2 14.2 12.4 360 13.4 19.6 18.4 18.0 13.4 480 19.2 21.0 19.2 18.6 15.6 600 23.6 28.2 26.6 24.6 21.4 表 2 纵向边界温度
Table 2. Temperatures in vertical boundary
τ/s y/m -0.045 -0.015 0.015 0.045 240 17.6 21.8 22.8 19.2 360 16.2 25.8 24.8 19.2 480 19.6 27.2 26.2 19.8 600 22.6 35.2 40.2 25.6 -
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