摘要: 研究并推导了以地平坐标系为参考坐标系的GPS公路滑坡监测网数据处理模型, 提出了应用聚类分析方法对拟稳点(或固定基准点)的相对稳定性进行检验的数学模型, 采用拟稳平差法进行平差计算。在VC++环境下, 开发了GPS公路滑坡监测网的数据处理软件系统, 以此对某公路滑坡GPS变形监测网的3期观测数据进行平差计算。平差计算结果表明: GPS公路滑坡监测网的平面坐标中误差可以达到1 mm, 垂直坐标可以达到2 mm, 因此, 提出的数学模型适合于GPS公路滑坡变形监测网的数据处理。Abstract: The data processing model based on station orthogonal coordinate system for 3D GPS highway subsidence monitoring network was analyzed and derived, a mathematical model based on clustering analysis method was put forward to test the relative stability of quasistable points(or datum points), and a quasistable adjustment method in the data processing course was proposed to compute minitoring data adjustments.A software system of data processing for the network was developed by using VC++, and the adjustments of three periods observation data of a highway subsidence from the network were computed by using the software.Calculation result shows that the middle square error of the plane coordinate is 1 mm, and the plumb one is 2 mm, so the mathematical model is more suitable for the data processing in the network.
表 1 显著水平α与临界值λ的对应值
Table 1. Corresponding values between significant levelαand critical valueλ
α/% 6.00 2.00 0.33 0.20 λ 0.138 5 0.041 6 0.010 8 0.003 6 表 2 基线精度
Table 2. Precisions of base lines
mm 观测期数 Δn基线 Δe基线 Δh基线 平均中误差 最大中误差 平均中误差 最大中误差 平均中误差 最大中误差 第1期 0.85 1.79 0.97 1.89 1.68 3.25 第2期 0.77 1.81 0.87 1.89 1.36 2.69 第3期 0.65 1.63 0.75 1.69 1.31 2.28 表 3 三维坐标综合精度
Table 3. General precisions of 3D coordinates
mm 观测期数 n坐标 e坐标 h坐标 平均中误差 最大中误差 平均中误差 最大中误差 平均中误差 最大中误差 第1期 0.71 1.05 0.59 0.89 1.31 1.96 第2期 0.59 1.21 0.58 0.92 1.34 2.25 第3期 0.41 0.65 0.53 0.76 0.98 1.53 -
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