摘要: 为了得到设置对角匝道时须满足的交通量条件, 分析了合流区主路外车道的车头时距分布, 利用间隙接受理论和分段积分法, 建立了对角匝道驶入主路的适应交通量模型。然后考虑驶入对角匝道的右转交通量及其车头时距分布, 利用间隙接受理论, 建立了驶入对角匝道的左转车流的适应交通量模型, 并得到了驶入对角匝道的左右转车流的约束条件。分析结果表明: 对角匝道设置的交通量条件与主路交通量、匝道交通量、加速车道长度、合流区外侧车道车头时距的区间分布状况、汇合车辆的临界间隙和随车时距以及驶入对角匝道的左右转交通量有关。Abstract: In order to get the traffic volume conditions of setting diagonal ramp, time headway distributions on mainline outer lane in merging area were analyzed, gap acceptance theory and piecewise integral method were used, the adaptive traffic volume model for diagonal ramp vehicles driving into mainline was established.Considering the right-turn traffic volume driving into diagonal ramp and its time headway distributions, adaptive left-turn traffic volume models were developed based on gap acceptance theory, and the constraint conditions of left-turn and right-turn traffic volumes driving into diagonal ramp were obtained.Analysis result indicates that traffic volume conditions of setting diagonal ramp are related to mainline traffic volume, ramp traffic volume, length of acceleration lane, interval status of time headway distributions on mainline outer lane in merging area, critical gap and follow-up time of merging vehicles, and left-turn and right-turn traffic volumes driving into diagonal ramp.
Key words:
- traffic engineering /
- diagonal ramp /
- gap acceptance theory /
- piecewise integral /
- traffic volume /
- merging area
表 1 交通流量及车型比例
Table 1. Traffic volumes and vehicle type proportions
断面 车道 车型比例/% 流量/(veh·h-1) 流量/(pcu·h-1) 小 中 大 加速车道入口 加速车道 20 64 16 162 240 距离加速车道鼻端40 m 加速车道 19 64 17 149 223 距离加速车道鼻端92 m 加速车道 22 64 14 79 115 距离加速车道鼻端140 m 加速车道 30 56 14 61 87 主线车道合流区初始端 1车道 30 61 9 148 205 2车道 16 82 2 253 356 主线车道距离加速车道鼻端40 m 1车道 29 67 4 207 281 2车道 14 82 4 269 384 主线车道距离加速车道鼻端92 m 1车道 23 61 16 261 383 2车道 14 82 4 266 380 主线车道距离加速车道鼻端140 m 1车道 31 50 19 316 458 2车道 39 58 3 283 369 主线车道合流区末端 1车道 21 58 21 328 496 2车道 37 60 3 303 398 注: 该交通量条件下, 取合流区内小型车换算系数为1.000, 中型车换算系数为1.468, 大型车换算系数为2.140[10], 得到该表最后一列流量值。 -
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