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Influence of structure mode on distortion stiffness of bogie frame


安琪, 李芾. 结构模式对转向架构架扭转刚度的影响[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2008, 8(6): 1-5.
引用本文: 安琪, 李芾. 结构模式对转向架构架扭转刚度的影响[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2008, 8(6): 1-5.
AN Qi, LI Fu. Influence of structure mode on distortion stiffness of bogie frame[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2008, 8(6): 1-5.
Citation: AN Qi, LI Fu. Influence of structure mode on distortion stiffness of bogie frame[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2008, 8(6): 1-5.



National Natural Science Foundation of China 50521503

National Key Technology R & D Program of China 2007BAG05B00

  • 中图分类号: U270.331

Influence of structure mode on distortion stiffness of bogie frame


National Natural Science Foundation of China 50521503

National Key Technology R & D Program of China 2007BAG05B00

More Information
    Author Bio:

    AN Qi (1983-), Male, Qinxian, Shanxi, Doctoral Student of Southwest Jiaotong University, Research on Vehiche Design, +86-28-87601882, anqi-nd5@vip.sina.com

    LI Fu (1957-), Male, Kunming, Yunnan, Professor of Southwest Jiaotong University, PhD, +86-28-87601881, lifu@home.swjtu.edu.cn

  • 摘要: 将客车转向架焊接H形构架简化为由等截面直梁组成的模型, 通过考察各梁在扭转载荷下的变形分布, 研究降低构架扭转刚度的措施, 并采用有限元方法对理论分析结果进行了验证。计算结果表明: 侧梁上盖板开槽能使构架扭转刚度降低3%;改变横梁截面形式后, 构架扭转刚度将减小19%, 构架在超常载荷下的最大von_Mises应力降低3%。分析结果表明: 构架侧梁上盖板开槽对其扭转刚度影响不大, 并将引起局部区域较强的应力集中; 横梁弯曲与扭转刚度对转向架构架扭转刚度有较大影响, 将无缝钢管横梁改为箱型梁能够显著降低构架扭转刚度; 同时, 由于扭转刚度降低, 构架在超常载荷下最大von_Mises应力也有所降低, 轨道扭曲载荷对构架强度的影响减弱。


  • 图  1  构架简化模型

    Figure  1.  Simplified model of frame

    图  2  开槽宽度与弯曲刚度的关系

    Figure  2.  Relationship between slot width and bending stiffness

    图  3  不同截面的横梁

    Figure  3.  Transverse girders with different sections

    图  4  不同梁的刚度特性

    Figure  4.  Stiffness characteristics of different girders

    图  5  原方案局部结构

    Figure  5.  Local structure of original plan

    图  6  改进方案1局部结构

    Figure  6.  Local structure of modified plan 1

    图  7  改进方案2局部结构

    Figure  7.  Local structure of modified plan 2

    图  8  改进方案3局部结构

    Figure  8.  Local structure of modified plan 3

    表  1  Calculation results of bogie frame stiffness and strength

    Table  1.   Calculation results of bogie frame stiffness and strength

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  • 收稿日期:  2008-07-22
  • 刊出日期:  2008-12-25


