摘要: 为了提高大粒径透水性沥青混合料(LSPM)基层的路用性能, 以MAC改性沥青作为LSPM结合料, 对MAC改性沥青、基质沥青和SBS改性沥青的性能进行了对比, 提出了MAC改性沥青LSPM高温稳定性、水稳定性、抗疲劳性、渗透性、抗反射裂缝性等路用性能要求, 并进行了MAC改性沥青LSPM材料组成设计、施工技术研究和试验路修筑。试验结果表明: MAC改性沥青LSPM空隙率为13%~18%, 沥青膜的厚度大于12μm, 模量为400~600MPa, 试验路通车2年后车辙量在4~8mm之间, 这表明MAC改性沥青LSPM具有较高的路用性能。Abstract: In order to improve the road performances of base course made of large stone porous asphalt mixture(LSPM), MAC(multigrade asphalt cement) modified asphalt was used in LSPM, the performances of matrix aphalt, MAC modified asphalt and SBS modified asphalt were compared, the material composition design, construction technology and the road performances of MAC modified LSPM, such as high-temperature stability, anti-fatigue property, permeability and anti-reflective crack property, were studied, and test roads were constructed. Test result shows that the porosity of LSPM is between 13% and 18%, its asphalt membrane is thicker than 12 μm, its modulous is between 400 and 600 MPa, the rut depth of test road opening to traffic for two years is between 4 and 8 mm. Obviously, MAC modified LSPM has better road performances. 4 tabs, 2 figs, 16 refs.
Key words:
- pavement material /
- LSPM /
- modified asphalt /
- road performance /
- material composition design /
- construction technology
表 1 Leakage test results of asphalts
Table 1. Leakage test results of asphalts
表 2 Technical requirements of modified asphalt
Table 2. Technical requirements of modified asphalt
表 3 Recommend gradations for LSPM
Table 3. Recommend gradations for LSPM
表 4 Design technical standards
Table 4. Design technical standards
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