Deformation properties of asphalt mixtures for steel bridge deck through repeated load triaxial test
摘要: 为了研究钢桥面铺装材料的高温变形特性及其车辙预估方法, 针对MA及SMA两种钢桥面铺装混合料, 采用三轴重复加载试验评价其高温性能, 并根据试验结果, 通过多元线性回归得到材料的非线性计算模型参数, 使用ABAQUS有限元软件, 模拟三轴试验过程, 将计算变形与实测变形相比较。发现两种混合料高温变形发展规律以及对不同荷载条件的响应方式不同, SMA具有优异的高温抗变形能力; 有限元模拟的误差约为10%。分析结果表明: 采用三轴重复加载试验和多元线性回归确定材料的非线性计算模型参数的方法可靠, 模型参数可用于沥青桥面铺装的车辙变形预估。Abstract: In order to study the deformation properties of steel deck pavement under high temperature and their rutting predictions, two types of asphalt mixtures, mastic asphalt(MA) and stone mastic asphalt(SMA), were invited, and their high temperature performances were evaluated through repeated load triaxial test(RLTT). Through the multivariate linear regressive analysis of test result, the nonlinear parameters of asphalt mixtures were obtained, finite element software ABAQUS was applied to simulate the process of RLTT, and the calculalted deformation and measured deformation were compared. It is found that the natures of high temperature deformation developments for two mixtures, as well as the response manners to different load conditions, are completely different, SMA has an overwhelmingly excellent deformation resistance, and the calculation error of FEM is about 10%. The result indicates that it's reasonable to get the nonlinear parameters through multivariate linear regressive analysis from RLTT result, and it's qualified to apply these parameters to conduct the rutting prediction of asphalt pavement on steel bridge.
表 1 粗集料性质
Table 1. Properties of coarse aggregate
表 2 细集料性质
Table 2. Properties of fine aggregate
表 3 SMA用改性沥青性能
Table 3. Properties of modified asphalt for SMA
表 4 MA用沥青性质
Table 4. Properties of asphalt for MA
表 5 SMA11配合比
Table 5. Mix proportion of SMA11
表 6 MA配合比
Table 6. Mix proportion of MA
表 7 材料参数
Table 7. Material parameters
表 8 变形计算值与实测值的比较
Table 8. Comparison of calculated deformation and measured deformation
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