摘要: 为比较机场刚性道面切缝槽口不同倒角形状对减小应力集中的效果, 评估倒角工艺对道面功能性能的影响, 运用ANSYS分析软件建立道面板切缝位置有限元模型, 在道面接缝节点间分别设梁单元和弹簧单元模拟接缝传荷作用, 以Boeing777作为荷载机型, 对6种不同倒角形式切缝边缘位置的荷载应力和温度应力进行对比分析, 并通过现场试验对道面的平整度和摩擦系数进行测试。分析结果表明: 各种切缝形式均能明显改善切缝位置的应力状况, 距离切缝愈近位置, 改善程度愈明显, 不同切缝形式对减小应力集中的程度相差较大, 其中半径为6mm的圆弧倒角效果最佳; 各种切缝构造对道面平整度和摩擦系数的影响较小, 均满足技术要求。Abstract: In order to compare the improvement effects of stress concentration in airport rigid pavement joint notches caused by different chamfer shapes, and evaluate the effect of the chamfer on pavement performance, a finite element model of pavement joint opening was established by using ANSYS software, the joint loading-transfer character was simulated by using beam and spring elements, Boeing777 was adapted as aircraft load, the loading stresses and temperature stresses for 6 different chamfer forms at the edges of the joint openings were analyzed eontrastively, and the pavement roughness and friction coefficient were tested in field. Test result shows that all chamfers can improve the stress status at the joint opening edges, the closer the position from the joint opening is, the higher the improvement effect is; 6 chamfers have different improvement effects, and the arc chamfer with 6 mm radius is the best one; the effects of all chamfers on the roughness and friction coefficient are less, and all satisfy the technique requirements.
Key words:
- airport engineering /
- rigid airport pavement /
- joint chamfer /
- finite element analysis
表 1 飞机荷载参数[8]
Table 1. Parameters of aircraft load
表 2 路面板参数
Table 2. Parameters of pavement slab
表 3 传力杆刚度
Table 3. Rigidness of dowel
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