Acting sphere determination of logistics park and allocation calculation of logistics volume
摘要: 为了确定一定区域内多个物流园区中某个物流园区的辐射范围, 计算出每个物流园区分摊的物流量, 运用断裂点理论, 采用计算断裂点及其场强的方法, 得到基于场强的物流园区的辐射半径计算公式, 提出确定物流园区辐射范围的思路和方法。采用SE-DEA的评价方法, 计算辐射区域内各个物流园区的综合物流服务能力, 建立了在一定区域内多个物流园区之间按照货类进行物流量分摊计算的模型。计算结果表明: 基于场强计算的物流园区辐射半径为145km, 2010年物流园区分摊的物流量为1.064 1×108t, 这说明基于场强物流园区辐射范围的确定和物流量分摊计算科学、合理。Abstract: In order to determine the acting sphere of logistics park and figure out reasonably the apportioned logistics volumes among logistics parks in an area, the calculation methods of breaking point and field intensity were used, the formula of computing the acting radius for logistics park was set up according to breaking point theory, and the idea and method were proposed to determine the acting sphere of logistics park. The composite service ability of logistics park was gained by using SE-DEA evaluation method, and a share model of logistics volumes was put forward based on goods categories among logistics parks in an area. Computation result shows that the acting radius of logistics park is 145 km based on field intensity, and the apportioned logistics volume of logistics park is 1.064 1×108 t, so the idea, method and model are scientific and reasonable.
Key words:
- logistics park /
- acting sphere /
- logistics volume allocation /
- break point
表 1 物流园区断裂点的场强
Table 1. Field intensities of break points among logistics parks
表 2 各园区得分
Table 2. Marks of logistics parks
表 3 园区综合物流服务能力
Table 3. Composite service abilities of logistics parks
表 4 物流园区距各地区的距离
Table 4. Distances between logistics parks and areas
km 表 5 时间可达性
Table 5. Time reachability
表 6 物流园区吸引货物的综合指数
Table 6. Composite indexes of attracting goods for logistics parks
% 表 7 煤炭预测运量
Table 7. Coal forecasting volumes
108t 表 8 S园区分摊煤炭运量
Table 8. Apportioned coal volume of park S
108t -
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