Characteristic and control method of early-age temperature field for cement concrete pavement
摘要: 提出了基于水泥混凝土路面温度应力、固化基础温度、固化温度差和养生温度的早龄期温度场控制原则, 采用专用水泥混凝土路面早龄期温度场数值模拟程序, 进行了路面早龄期温度场参数的敏感性和影响特性分析, 评估了路面早龄期温度场控制措施的有效性。分析结果表明: 与材料参数相比, 环境施工参数是影响路面早龄期温度特征的主要因素; 选择合适的铺筑时刻、环境条件可使板顶板底温度差改变达20℃; 采用恰当的养护方式和养护材料可降低路面板温度12℃以上; 混凝土摊铺温度、水灰比和水泥用量对固化基础温度影响显著; 对于特定温度控制指标, 各影响参数敏感性并不相同, 需结合现场路面板早龄期温度仿真平衡措施影响。Abstract: The control principles of early-age temperature field were put forward based on the temperature stress, built-in basic temperature, built-in temperature difference and curing temperature of cement concrete pavement.The specialized early-age temperature field numerical simulation program of cement concrete pavement was used, the sensitivities and influencing characteristics of pavement early-age temperature field parameters were researched, and the effectivenesses of pavement early-age temperature field control measures were evaluated.Analysis result shows that compared with material parameters, environment construction parameters are major factors effecting pavement early-age temperature characteristics.Appropriate paving time and environment condition may change the temperature difference between the top and the bottom of slab more than 20℃.Proper curing methods and curing materials may reduce the temperature of pavement more than 12 ℃.Concrete paving temperature, water cement ratio and cement content significantly effect built-in basic temperature.For specific temperature control target, the sensitivities of influencing parameters are not the same, field pavement early-age temperature simulation should be combined to balance the effects of control measures.
表 1 主要变量
Table 1. Main variables
表 2 各参数敏感性
Table 2. Sensitivity of each parameter
表 3 各参数对路面板固化温度影响
Table 3. Effect of each parameter on built-in temperature of slab
表 4 降低路面板早龄期温度的措施和效果
Table 4. Countermeasures reducing slab early-age temperature and effects
表 5 降低板顶板底温度差的措施和效果
Table 5. Countermeasures reducing slab temperature difference and effects
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