3D measure method of space-time unbalance for arrival and departure wagon flows at railway technical station
摘要: 为了测定铁路技术站到发车流时空上的不均衡性, 分析了到发车流时间、列车到发数量、技术站衔接方向的特点, 提出了到发车流不均衡性的计算方法。通过分析技术站到发车流的时空不均衡性对技术站的影响, 考虑了不同衔接方向的车流结构、转化范围与到达间隔时间, 设定了线路方向、列车数量等相关参数。应用最大方差比值法, 计算了到发车流时间与不同衔接方向到发车流数量的不均衡程度, 基于基尼系数, 计算了不同时间段车流到发数量的不均衡程度。从空间、时间、数量3个角度将到发车流的三维不均衡特性进行分解, 描述了到发列车数量与时间、空间转换的关系, 建立了铁路技术站到发车流的不均衡三维度量方法, 并以贵阳南站为例进行了实例验证。研究结果表明: 当接车数量为67列、计算时间为12h、接车数水平设置为4时, 不同衔接方向到发车流数量的不均衡程度为0.21, 到发车流时间的不均衡程度为0.03, 不同时间段车流到发车流数量的不均衡程度为0.13。车流总体比较均衡, 符合贵阳南站的实际情况。Abstract: In order to measure the space-time unbalance of arrial and depature wagon flows at railway technical station, the characteristics of arrival and departure wagon flows times, the arrival and departure amounts of trains and the connecting directions of technical station were ananlyzed, and the calculation method of arrival and depature wagon flow unbalance was provided.Through analyzing the influence of space-time unbalance for arrival and departure wagon flows on technical station, the wagon flow structures of different connecting directions, transformation range and arrival time interval were considered, and relevant parameters such as line direction and train amount were designed.By using maximum variance ratio method, the time unbalance degree of arrival and departure wagon flows and the amount unbalance degree of arrival and departure wagon flows from different connecting directions were calculated, the unbalance degree of arrival and departure wagon flow amouts at different periods was calculated by using Gini coefficient.The 3D unbalance characteristic of arrival and departure wagon flows was divided from space, time and amount, the relations among train amount, time change and space transformation were described, the 3D measure method of space-time unbalance for arrival and departure wagon flows at railway technical station was set up, and an example of Guiyang Nan Railway Station was given to prove the measure method.Research result shows that when the amount of arrival trains is 67, calculation time is 12 hand receiving train level is 4, the unbalance degree of arrival and departure wagon flow amounts from different connecting directions is 0.21, the unbalance degree of arrival and departure wagon flow times is 0.03, and the unbalance degree of arrival and departure wagon flow amounts at different periods is 0.13.The wagon flows are comparatively balanced, which accord with the actual situation of Guiyang Nan Railway Station.
表 1 柳州方向到达车流分布
Table 1. Distribution of arrival wagon flow from Liuzhou direction
表 2 株洲方向到达车流分布
Table 2. Distribution of arrival wagon flow from Zhuzhou direction
表 3 时间段与列车数量
Table 3. Time sections and train amounts
表 4 统计结果
Table 4. Statistical result
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