Wear characteristics of contact area among transmission conductor strands of electrified railway
摘要: 以LGJ150/25型钢芯铝绞线为试验导线, 在自制试验装置上模拟了在干燥和酸性条件下导线的微风振动, 采用扫描电子显微镜和能谱仪观察试验导线磨痕微观形貌与成分, 建立了相同工况下内外层线股接触区有限元模型, 分析有限元模型的计算结果与磨痕形貌。分析结果表明: 2种条件下内层铝线股接触区的磨痕形状与应力分布均为椭圆形, 其长轴与线轴中心呈一定夹角; 铝线股接触区磨损特性与接触应力分布相关, 接触区中心区接触应力明显高于其他区域, 高应力使表面产生塑性变形与大量磨损微粒; 磨损边缘区发生了弹性变形, 受中心区特别是过渡区突变应力挤压作用, 产生了表层组织的塑性流动和堆积现象; 在中心区与边缘区的过渡区域存在应力集中, 法向压应力和剪应力发生突变, 滋生了疲劳裂纹。Abstract: Taking LGJ150/25 aluminum cable steel reinforced (ACSR) wire as tested wire, aeolian vibrations under dry and acidic conditions were simulated on a self-made test rig.The surface morphology of wear scar of tested wire and its elements were observed by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS).A finite model of inside and outside wire contact areas was built under the same conditions.The analysis results of the finite model and the surface morphology of wear scar were compared.Comparison result indicates that both the wear scar shapes and the stress distributions of contact area among inner aluminum strands are oval-shaped under two conditions.Oval-shaped major axis and strand axis have a certain angle.The contact stress in the central contact area is significantly higher than other areas.The plastic deformation and a large number of wear debris occur on the surface of wear area because of high stress.The compression of mutated stress from the center area, especial transition area, causes the elastic deformation at the edge of wear area and the phenomena of plastic flow and stacking of surface tissue.The transition area between the center and the edge parts has stress concentration, where fatigue cracks are resulted from the mutation of normal stress and shear stress.
Key words:
- electrified railway /
- ACSR /
- wear characteristic /
- finite element /
- surface morphology /
- contact stress
表 1 测点元素成分比重
Table 1. Proportions of elemental compositions at measuring points
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