Influence of wheelset wear and wheel radius difference on dynamics performances of high-speed train
摘要: 对某高速线路服役动车组轮对型面进行跟踪测试, 分析了磨耗型面与轮径差对滚动半径差函数形状与位置变化的影响规律。根据服役列车参数建立高速列车动力学模型, 计算高速列车在不同磨耗型面与轮径差工况下的非线性临界速度、平稳性和曲线通过性。由高速列车在平直线路与曲线通过工况下与不同轮轨接触的动态平衡点的计算, 得出滚动半径差函数与高速列车动力学性能的关系。分析结果表明: 型面磨耗与轮径差可以改变滚动半径差函数形状与位置, 引起轮轨动态接触点变化, 并最终导致高速列车动力学性能的大幅改变。在直线通过工况下, 当车辆行驶里程为1.98×105 km时, 随着磨耗的增加, 车辆临界速度从530km·h-1降至300km·h-1, 平稳性指数从1.60增至1.87;当轮径差从-0.5mm增至0.5mm时, 临界速度下降约80km·h-1, 平稳性指数增大0.10。在曲线通过工况下, 随磨耗的增加, 轮轨横向力从6.7kN逐渐增加到15.9kN, 车辆脱轨系数从0.12增加到0.23, 磨耗指数从0.005逐渐增加到0.018;当轮径差从-0.5mm增至0.5mm时, 轮轨横向力减小3~6kN, 脱轨系数降低0.03~0.10, 磨耗指数减小0.003~0.010。Abstract: Wheel profiles of working high-speed train were traced in test to study the change rules of shape and position of rolling radius difference function with worn profiles and wheel radius difference. The dynamics model of high-speed train was set up based on the parameters of working high-speed train to calculate nonlinear critical speeds, stabilities, and curve passing performances under different conditions of worn profiles and wheel radius difference. The relationship between rolling radius difference function and vehicle dynamics performances was described by the calculation of dynamic equilibrium points at different wheel-rail contacts under straight and curve passing conditions of high-speed train. Analysis result indicates that profile wear and radius difference may change the shape and position of rolling radius difference function, cause the change of equilibrium points of wheel-rail contact and lead to the significant change of vehicle system dynamics performances at the end. On straight line, when the running distance of vehicle reaches 1.98×105 km, vehicle critical speed declines from 530 km·h-1 to 300 km·h-1 with the increase of profile wear. Vehicle riding index increases from 1.60 to 1.87. As wheel radius difference changes from-0.5 mm to 0.5 mm, the critical speed declines by 80 km·h-1, while the riding index increases by 0.10. On curve line, with the increase of profile wear, wheelrail lateral force increases from 6.7 kN to 15.9 kN. Derailment coefficient increases from 0.12 to 0.23. Elkins wear index increases from 0.005 to 0.018. As the wheel radius difference changes from-0.5 mm to 0.5 mm, wheel-rail lateral force decreases by 3-6 kN, derailment coefficient decreases by 0.03-0.10, and Elkins wear index decreases by 0.003-0.010.
表 1 磨耗型面
Table 1. Wear profiles
表 2 动态平衡点位置
Table 2. Locations of dynamic equilibrium points
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