摘要: 基于公路网均衡规模的概念, 以二级公路作为标准等级公路, 提出了等效里程和等效系数的计算方法, 建立了公路网地形起伏修正系数的回归模型。分析了传统方法如国土系数法和连通度法的特点和不足, 对传统的公路网均衡规模计算方法加以修正, 以最小公路网发展基尼系数作为判定条件, 对均衡规模区间的范围进行修正, 建立了均衡规模配比的计算流程, 提出了系统的公路网均衡规模确定方法, 并以云南省公路网为例进行实例验证。分析结果表明: 曲靖市高速公路的地形起伏修正系数最小, 为1.12, 迪庆州四级与等外公路的地形起伏修正系数最大, 为1.92;怒江市的均衡规模里程最小, 为549km, 曲靖市的均衡规模里程最大, 为4 753km; 利用提出的方法计算的云南省公路网的人口、经济与面积的基尼系数分别为0.02、0.19、0.15, 分别下降0.15、0.29、0.18, 均达到绝对均衡标准。Abstract: Based on the concept of highway network equilibrium scale, the second-class highway was taken as the standard grade highway, the calculation method of equivalent mileage and equivalent coefficient was proposed, and the regressing model of terrain correction coefficient for highway network was established. The shortcomings and characteristics of traditional methods such as territory coefficient method and connectivity method were analyzed. The traditional calculation method of highway network equilibrium scale was adjusted. The minimum comprehensive Gini coefficient was taken as judging criterion, the range of equilibrium scale interval was adjusted, the calculation flow of equilibrium scale proportion was established, the systematic determination method of equilibrium scale for highway network was proposed, and example verification was carried out by using the highway network in Yunnan Province. Analysis result shows that the terrain correction coefficient of freeway in Qujing is the minimum, and is 1.12. The terrain correction coefficient of the fourth-class highway and substandard highway in Diqing is the maximum, and is 1.92. The equilibrium scale mileage in Nujiang is the minimum, and is 549 km. The equilibrium scale mileage in Qujing is the maximum, and is 4 753 km. By using the proposed method, the Gini coefficients of population, economy and area for highway network in Yunnan Province are 0.02, 0.19, 0.15, reduce by 0.15, 0.29, 0.18 respectively, the three Gini coefficients meet absolute equilibrium standard.
Key words:
- highway network /
- equilibrium scale /
- determination method /
- equivalent mileage /
- Gini coefficient /
- proportion scheme
表 1 等效系数
Table 1. Equivalent coefficients
表 2 修正系数
Table 2. Correction coefficients
表 3 调整区间
Table 3. Adjustment intervals
表 4 区间划分
Table 4. Division of intervals
表 5 配比方案
Table 5. Proportion scheme
表 6 基尼系数评价标准
Table 6. Evaluation standard of Gini coefficient
表 7 结果比较
Table 7. Comparison of results
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