Safety evaluation model of long-steep downgrade section for montane highway based on driving workload
摘要: 分析了已有的驾驶心生理指标与安全性评价方法, 进行了典型山区高速公路连续长大下坡路段实车试验, 采集了22个试验路段27名货车驾驶人的23 549个心率变异性指标。以心率变异性表征驾驶负荷, 建立了关于纵坡坡度、坡长和行车速度的驾驶负荷模型, 确定了长大下坡路段驾驶舒适度的区间范围。基于驾驶负荷的阈值划分范围, 分析了长大下坡路段驾驶负荷与纵坡指标的关系, 并进行了实例验证。验证结果表明: 当车速不大于75km·h-1, 坡度范围在-6%~-3%之间时, 利用建立的模型确定的风险路段包含所有事故多发路段; 确定的高风险路段发生交通事故38起, 确定的较高风险路段发生交通事故11起, 2个路段的死亡人数占总死亡人数的84%。评价结果与实际交通事故分布相吻合, 提出的模型有效。Abstract: The existing psychological and physiological driving indexes and safety evaluation methods were analyzed, the practical vehicle test on the continuous long-steep downgrade sections of typical montane highway was put out, and the 23 549 heart rate variability (HRV) indexes of 27 truck drivers on 22 test sections were collected. Heart rate variability was taken as driving workload, the driving workload model related with longitudinal slope degree, slope length and vehicle speed was set up, and the interval range of driving comfort level on long-steep downgrade section was determined. Based on the threshold division range of driving workload, the relationship between driving workload and longitudinal slope index was analyzed, and example verification was carried out. Verification result indicates that when vehicle speed is not more than 75 km·h-1 and slope degree is from-6% to-3%, the determined risk sections contain all the accident frequent sections by using the proposed model. There are 38 traffic accidents on the determined highest-risk section and 11 traffic accidents on the determined higher-risk section, and the ratio of the death toll on the two risk sections to the total death toll is 84%. The evaluation result is consistent with the actual traffic accident distribution, so the proposed model is effective.
Key words:
- traffic safety /
- long-steep downgrade section /
- evaluation model /
- driving workload /
- accident rate
表 1 驾驶负荷划分
Table 1. Division of driving workloads
表 2 驾驶人信息
Table 2. Driver information
表 3 有效样本量
Table 3. Effective sample size
表 4 试验数据
Table 4. Test data
表 5 坡度和坡长
Table 5. Slope degrees and slope lengths
表 6 正向交通事故分布
Table 6. Distribution of forward traffic accidents
表 7 反向交通事故分布
Table 7. Distribution of reverse traffic accidents
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