Mix proportion design method with multiple indexes for continuously reinforced concrete
摘要: 采用MEPDG软件分析了连续配筋混凝土路面路用性能对于混凝土抗压强度、干缩应变、温缩系数等参数的敏感性。通过室内试验研究了水泥用量、水灰比等混凝土配合比组成参数对路面设计参数的影响。根据均衡设计的理论, 建立了连续配筋混凝土多指标配合比设计方法, 推荐了各配合比组成参数的范围, 并建立了水灰比与混凝土干缩应变、温缩系数间的回归方程及弯拉强度与抗压强度间的关系式。分析结果表明:连续配筋混凝土配合比设计的控制指标宜包括抗压强度、干缩应变和温缩系数, 水泥浆含量宜小于22%, 最大公称粒径宜为19.0~26.5mm。根据多指标的配合比设计方法得到的混凝土能更好地满足连续配筋混凝土路面的性能要求。Abstract: The sensibilities of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) performances on concrete parameters such as compressive strength, drying shrinkage strain and temperature shrinkage coefficient were analyzed by using MEPDG software. The influences of mix proportion parameters of cement content, water-cement ratio etc on pavement design parameters were studied through laboratory tests. According to balanced design theory, the mix proportion design method with multiple indexes for continuously reinforced concrete was set up. The appropriate scopes of mix proportion parameters were recommended, the regression formulae of water-cement ratio with drying shrinkage strain and temperature shrinkage coefficient were established, and the formula of flexural-tensile strength and compressive strength was also established. Analysis result indicates that compressive strength, drying shrinkage strain and temperature shrinkage coefficient are fitted to be control indices of mix proportion design method for continuously reinforced concrete. The mass content of cement slurry should be less than 22%. Nominal maximum aggregate size should be 19.0-26.5 mm. It is shown that the concrete designed according to the mix proportion design method with multiple indexes can better satisfy the performance requirement of CRCP.
表 1 混凝土配合比参数标准值
Table 1. Standard parameter values of concrete mix proportion
表 2 水泥用量、水灰比对混凝土路用性能的影响
Table 2. Influences of cement content and water-cement ratio on concrete performance
表 3 用水量、水灰比对混凝土路用性能的影响
Table 3. Influences of water content and water-cement ratio on concrete performance
表 4 水泥用量、用水量、水灰比推荐范围
Table 4. Recommended scopes of cement content, water content and water-cement ratio
表 5 减水剂对混凝土路用性能的影响
Table 5. Influence of water reducing agent on concrete performance
表 6 含气量对混凝土路用性能的影响
Table 6. Influence of air content on concrete performance
表 7 水泥浆含量对混凝土路用性能的影响
Table 7. Influence of cement slurry content on concrete performance
表 8 砂率对混凝土路用性能的影响
Table 8. Influence of sand ratio on concrete performance
表 9 粗集料最大粒径对混凝土路用性能的影响
Table 9. Influence of maximum diameter of coarse aggregate on concrete performance
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