Optimal strategy of container vertical transportation energy structure conversion on port yard
摘要: 基于动态规划理论, 以场桥寿命期内的总成本最小为目标函数, 以碳排放量和投资成本为约束条件, 考虑了场桥营运成本和碳排放的动态变化, 建立了港区堆场集装箱垂直运输用能结构改造的离散型动态规划模型。通过逆序法进行求解, 确定了用能结构改造的最优策略。计算结果表明: 当轮胎式集装箱门式起重机役龄为1年时, 应在第6年年初完成用能结构改造, 最优策略下单场桥寿命期内总成本为937.66万元; 当轮胎式集装箱门式起重机役龄为2年时, 应在第5年年初完成用能结构改造, 最优策略下单场桥寿命期内总成本为958.59万元; 当轮胎式集装箱门式起重机役龄大于等于3年时, 应在第2年年初完成用能结构改造, 最优策略下单场桥寿命期内总成本为967.33万元; 当碳排放量限额值小于等于100t时, 应立即进行用能结构改造; 当碳排放量限额值大于400t时, 应在第6年年初完成改造, 相当于不需考虑碳排放约束。碳排放成本仅占营运成本的0.6%~0.7%, 对决策的影响较小, 建议通过提高碳税价格或施加碳排放总量限额的方法减少碳排放。Abstract: Based on the dynamic programming theory, the minimum total cost during crane lifetime was taken as objective function, the carbon emission amount and investment cost were taken as constraint conditions, the dynamic changes of crane operation cost and carbon emission were considered, and the dynamic discrete programming model of container vertical transportation energy structure conversion on port yard was established. The athwart order method was carried out to solve the model, and the optimal strategy of crane energy structure conversion was determined. Calculation result shows that when rubber tire gantry (RTG) is 1 year old, the energy structure conversion should be completed at the start of the sixth year, and the total cost during the total lifetime of single crane under the optimal strategy is 9 376 600 yuan. When RTG is 2 years old, the energy structure conversion should be completed at the start of the fifth year, and the total cost during the total lifetime of single crane under the optimal strategy is 9 585 900 yuan. When RTG is equal to or older than 3 years, the energy structure conversion should be completed at the start of the second year, and the total cost during the total lifetime of single crane under the optimal strategy is 9 673 300 yuan. When the carbon limit value is less than or equal to 100 t, RTG energy structure should be converted immediately. When the carbon limit value is more than 400 t, the energy structure conversion should be completed at the start of the sixth year, and the constraint of carbon emission can be ignored. Because the carbon emission cost only accounts for 0.6-0.7 percent of operation cost and does not affect the decision greatly, it is advised to reduce carbon emission by increasing carbon tax or controlling carbon limit value.
表 1 RTG的营运成本
Table 1. Operation cost of RTG
表 2 ERTG的营运成本
Table 2. Operation cost of ERTG
表 3 场桥参数
Table 3. Crane parameters
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