摘要: 分析了列车间隔与其跟驰行为的关系, 利用Petri网形式化建模工具描述了当高速列车跟驰稳态被破坏时, 列车间隔的动态控制。面向CTCS-4级列车运行控制系统, 运用数值分析方法建立了全速域范围内最小安全车距随后车当前速度变化的拟合函数, 并运用该拟合函数进行列车跟驰行为质量评估, 进而构建了基于跟驰行为评估的列车间隔动态控制模型, 并对该模型进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明: 列车跟驰系统从速度为200km·h-1、列车间隔为5 849.18m的安全、高效跟驰稳态运行到速度为380km·h-1的跟驰稳态期间, 列车间隔的动态控制能够通过后车的行为调整得到实现, 且当速度为380km·h-1的跟驰稳态实现时, 列车间隔仅比安全车距大358.00m, 说明新的安全、高效跟驰稳态已经建立; 当前车紧急停车时, 后车在控制律的作用下采取因应措施, 安全、高效、平稳地减速运行, 直至完全停车。仿真结果验证了控制方法的有效性和可行性, 能够实现列车安全、高效跟驰运行。Abstract: The relationship between train interval and its following behavior was analyzed. When the steady-following state of high-speed train was broken, the dynamic control of train interval was described by using the formal modeling tool of Petri nets. For the CTCS-4 level train control system, a fitting function of the minimum safe headway changing with the current velocity of following train within the full-range velocity field was constructed by using numerical analysis method, and the constructed fitting function was used for the behavioral quality evaluation of following train. The dynamic control model of train interval was established based on the evaluation of train following behavior, and the model was simulated and verified. Simulation result indicates that during the period of train following system operating from a safe and efficient steady-following state with a velocity of 200 km·h-1 and a train interval of 5 849.18 mto another steady-following state with a velocity of 380 km·h-1, the dynamic control of train interval is accomplished well by the behavioral adjustment of following train, and the train interval is only 358.00 mlonger than the safe headway when a new steady-following state is realized at the velocity of 380 km·h-1, which means that a new safe and efficient steady-following state is established. When the preceding train stops abruptly in emergency, under the action of control law, the following train takes a corresponding measure to reduce its own velocity for movement in safety, efficiency and smoothness until it stops completely. The simulation results verify the effectiveness and feasibility of control method for safe and efficient train following operation.
表 1 紧急制动距离限值和最小安全车距
Table 1. Limits of emergency braking distances and minimum safety headways
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