Real-time temperature field measurement of asphalt pavement based on fiber bragg grating measuring technology
摘要: 基于光纤光栅智能测试技术, 建立沥青路面温度信息长期实时监测系统, 以实现沥青路面温度连续监测。采用高精度热电偶进行路面沥青层的温度测试, 用以进行现场光纤光栅温度传感器的修正; 采用光纤光栅温度传感器对沥青路面绝对温度进行实时监测。分析结果表明: 路面内部温度在下午2:00~4:00达到最高值, 凌晨4:00~6:00降至最低值, 且上午9:00~12:00温度上升较快, 下午4:00~6:00温度下降较快; 随沥青路面深度的增加, 沥青路面内部温度变化的幅度与速率均逐步减小, 且达到峰值或谷值的时刻相对滞后; 沥青路面内部温度随着气温的变化而变化, 随季节气候变化而同趋势改变; 全年气温最低值出现在1月初, 之后温度开始逐渐升高。Abstract: Based on fiber bragg grating (FBG) measuring technology, the long-term and real-time temperature monitoring system of temperature information for asphalt pavement was established to continuously monitor asphalt pavement temperature.The temperatures of asphalt pavement layers were measured by using high-precision thermocouples to amend the FBG temperature sensors in-site.The FBG temperature sensor was used to monitor the real-time temperature of asphalt pavement.Analysis result shows that the internal pavement temperature reaches the highest value at 2:00-4:00 PM and drops to the lowest value at 4:00-6:00 AM.At 9:00-12:00 AM, the temperature grows fast and at 4:00-6:00 PM it drops fast.With the increase of asphalt pavement depth, the variation extent and rate of internal temperature decrease gradually and correspondingly, the time to reach peaks or troughs has some delays.The internal temperature of asphalt pavement varies with air temperature and keeps the same change trend with season change.The lowest temperature of asphalt pavement in the whole year appears at the beginning of January and grows gradually afterwards.
表 1 沥青路面结构
Table 1. Asphalt pavement structures
表 2 传感器埋设信息
Table 2. Installation informations of sensors
表 3 不同路面深度的温度
Table 3. Temperatures under different pavement depths
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