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文孝霞 杜子学 左长永 梁志华 赵大毅

文孝霞, 杜子学, 左长永, 梁志华, 赵大毅. 曲线工况下跨座式单轨走行轮侧偏刚度对轮胎磨损的影响[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2014, 14(2): 41-48.
引用本文: 文孝霞, 杜子学, 左长永, 梁志华, 赵大毅. 曲线工况下跨座式单轨走行轮侧偏刚度对轮胎磨损的影响[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2014, 14(2): 41-48.
WEN Xiao-xia, DU Zi-xue, ZUO Zhang-yong, LIANG Zhi-hua, ZHAO Da-yi. Influence of cornering stiffness of straddle-type monorail running wheel on tire wear under curve negotiating[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(2): 41-48.
Citation: WEN Xiao-xia, DU Zi-xue, ZUO Zhang-yong, LIANG Zhi-hua, ZHAO Da-yi. Influence of cornering stiffness of straddle-type monorail running wheel on tire wear under curve negotiating[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(2): 41-48.



"十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目 2007BAG06B01

重庆市教委科学技术研究项目 KJ130416


    文孝霞(1977-), 女, 贵州遵义人, 重庆交通大学副教授, 工学博士研究生, 从事轨道车辆系统动力学研究

    杜子学(1962-), 男, 河北邯郸人, 重庆交通大学教授, 工学博士

  • 中图分类号: U270.331.1

Influence of cornering stiffness of straddle-type monorail running wheel on tire wear under curve negotiating

More Information
    Author Bio:

    WEN Xiao-xia (1977-), female, associate professor, doctoral student, +86-23-62652478, wenxiaoxia150@163.com

    DU Zi-xue (1962-), male, professor, PhD, +86-23-62652478, aaadzx@163.com

  • 摘要: 基于车辆轮胎磨损理论, 研究了走行轮侧偏刚度对走行轮侧偏力和导向轮、稳定轮径向力的影响, 分析了单轨车辆曲线运行时, 走行轮摩擦功随轮胎侧偏刚度的变化趋势。分析结果表明: 受导向轮、稳定轮径向力影响, 随着走行轮侧偏刚度增加, 走行轮侧偏力逐渐增大; 当走行轮侧偏刚度处于1120kN·rad-1范围时, 走行轮侧偏力与侧偏角处于线性范围, 侧偏角呈现微量变化; 当侧偏刚度超过120kN·rad-1时, 侧偏角迅速增大, 进入非线性区域。基于轮胎磨损指标, 随着走行轮侧偏刚度增加, 走行轮磨损量以1.2%的速率增加。走行轮侧偏刚度还将影响车辆曲线通过性, 过小的侧偏刚度不利于形成摇头力矩, 通过性能变差。在保证车辆良好通过性前提下, 尽量减小走行轮磨损, 其侧偏刚度设计值推荐为9.37kN·rad-1


  • 图  1  轮胎磨损影响因素

    Figure  1.  Influencing factors of tire wear

    图  2  中央悬挂结构俯视图

    Figure  2.  Top view of central suspension structure

    图  3  中央悬挂结构正视

    Figure  3.  Front view of central suspension structure

    图  4  走行轮与顶部轨面接触

    Figure  4.  Running wheel in contact with the top surface of track beam

    图  5  走行轮、导向轮、稳定轮与侧部轨面接触

    Figure  5.  Running wheels, steering wheels and stabilizing wheels in contact with side surface of track beam

    图  6  走行轮与轨道梁顶部接触

    Figure  6.  Running wheels in contact with top of track beam

    图  7  前转向架左侧导向轮径向力曲线

    Figure  7.  Radial force curves of left steering wheel

    图  8  前转向架前右导向轮径向力曲线

    Figure  8.  Radial force curves of front-right steering wheel of front bogie

    图  9  前转向架左、右稳定轮径向力曲线

    Figure  9.  Radial force curves of left and right stabilizing wheels of front bogie

    图  10  前转向架前左、后右走行轮侧偏力曲线

    Figure  10.  Cornering force curves of front-left and rear-right running wheels of front bogie

    图  11  单节车辆8个导向轮径向力曲线

    Figure  11.  Radial force curves of eight guide wheels of a vehicle

    图  12  前、后转向架左侧稳定轮径向力曲线

    Figure  12.  Radial force curves of left stabilizing wheels of front and rear bogies

    图  13  走行轮侧偏力与侧偏刚度关系曲线

    Figure  13.  Relationship curves of cornering forces and cornering stiffnesses of running wheels

    图  14  走行轮侧滑角与侧偏刚度关系曲线

    Figure  14.  Relationship curves of side slip angles and cornering stiffnesses of running wheels

    图  15  单节车辆横向受力俯视图

    Figure  15.  Top view of lateral forces of single vehicle

    图  16  单节车辆横向受力后视图

    Figure  16.  Rear view of lateral forces of single vehicle

    表  1  单轨动力学模型主要参数

    Table  1.   Main parameters of monorail dynamics model

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    表  2  轨道模型参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of track beam model

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