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郭寅川 申爱琴 高韬 李炜光

郭寅川, 申爱琴, 高韬, 李炜光. 风化岩路基填料路用性能试验与风化程度评价[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2014, 14(3): 15-23.
引用本文: 郭寅川, 申爱琴, 高韬, 李炜光. 风化岩路基填料路用性能试验与风化程度评价[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2014, 14(3): 15-23.
GUO Yin-chuan, SHEN Ai-qin, GAO Tao, LI Wei-guang. Assessment of weathering degree and road performance test of weathered rock as subgrade filling[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(3): 15-23.
Citation: GUO Yin-chuan, SHEN Ai-qin, GAO Tao, LI Wei-guang. Assessment of weathering degree and road performance test of weathered rock as subgrade filling[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(3): 15-23.



国家自然科学基金项目 51278059


    郭寅川(1983-), 男, 江西九江人, 长安大学讲师, 工学博士, 从事道路材料研究

  • 中图分类号: U416.1

Assessment of weathering degree and road performance test of weathered rock as subgrade filling

More Information
  • 摘要: 选取了4种代表性风化岩, 分析了其级配组成、击实参数与破碎特性, 研究了风化岩路基长期稳定性的影响因素。开发了能够模拟路基填料自然风化的水温循环试验方法, 研究了风化程度对风化岩填料加州承载比和水温敏感性的影响与水温循环效应对风化岩性质的影响。采用物理风化与化学风化相结合的评价方法, 提出以风化特征指数作为风化程度的评价指标, 分析了风化特征指数与各项路用性能的相关性, 并建立了基于各项路用性能的风化程度分级标准。分析结果表明: 随着风化程度的加大, 风化岩力学性能与水温敏感性降低; 应用水温循环模拟试验能够判别风化岩的长期路用性能; 风化特征指数与风化岩路用性能决定系数大于0.85, 相关性良好, 可用来判定风化岩的风化程度与路用性能; 选用风化特征指数为0.78的风化岩铺筑试验路, 经18个月观测的路基最大沉降为7.8cm, 路用性能良好。


  • 图  1  风化岩A

    Figure  1.  Weathered rock A

    图  2  风化岩B

    Figure  2.  Weathered rock B

    图  3  风化岩C

    Figure  3.  Weathered rock C

    图  4  风化岩D

    Figure  4.  Weathered rock D

    图  5  风化岩天然级配曲线

    Figure  5.  Natural grading curves of weathered rocks

    图  6  风化岩击实试验结果

    Figure  6.  Compaction test result of weathered rocks

    图  7  风化岩自由膨胀率

    Figure  7.  Free expansion rates of weathered rocks

    图  8  风化岩CBR结构体膨胀率

    Figure  8.  CBR expansive rates of weathered rocks

    图  9  风化岩A水温循环次数与质量损失关系

    Figure  9.  Relationships between water-temperature cycle times and mass losses for weathered rock A

    图  10  风化岩B水温循环次数与质量损失关系

    Figure  10.  Relationships between water-temperature cycle times and mass losses for weathered rock B

    图  11  风化岩C水温循环次数与质量损失关系

    Figure  11.  Relationships between water-temperature cycle times and mass losses for weathered rock C

    图  12  风化岩D水温循环次数与质量损失关系

    Figure  12.  Relationships between water-temperature cycle times and mass losses for weathered rock D

    图  13  水温循环次数与风化岩质量的关系

    Figure  13.  Relationships between water-temperature cycle times and masses of weathered rocks

    图  14  模拟风化前、后CBR结构体膨胀率

    Figure  14.  CBR expansive rates before and after weathering simulation

    图  15  模拟风化前、后风化岩A的贯入试验结果

    Figure  15.  Penetration test results of weathered rock A before and after weathering simulation

    图  16  模拟风化前、后风化岩B的贯入试验结果

    Figure  16.  Penetration test results of weathered rock B before and after weathering simulation

    图  17  模拟风化前、后风化岩C的贯入试验结果

    Figure  17.  Penetration test results of weathered rock C before and after weathering simulation

    图  18  模拟风化前、后风化岩D的贯入试验结果

    Figure  18.  Penetration test results of weathered rock D before and after weathering simulation

    图  19  破碎率与K相关性曲线

    Figure  19.  Correlation curves of K and breakage rate

    图  20  矿物含量与K相关性曲线

    Figure  20.  Correlation curve of K and mineral content

    图  21  质量损失率与K相关性曲线

    Figure  21.  Correlation curve of K and mass loss rate

    图  22  CBR结构体膨胀率与K相关性曲线

    Figure  22.  Correlation curves of K and CBR expansive rate

    图  23  CBR与K相关性曲线

    Figure  23.  Correlation curves of K and CBR

    图  24  风化岩路基累计观测沉降

    Figure  24.  Accumulated observation settlements of weathered rock subgrade

    表  1  风化岩填料的不均匀系数与曲率系数

    Table  1.   Coefficients of uniformity and curvature of weathered rocks

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    表  2  风化岩X衍射结果

    Table  2.   XRD result of weathered rocks

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    表  3  风化岩粘土矿物含量

    Table  3.   Clay mineral contents of weathered rocks

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    表  4  风化岩水温循环崩解率和质量损失率

    Table  4.   Disintegration rates and mass loss rates of weathered rocks after water-temperature cycle

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    表  5  模拟风化前、后风化岩CBR值

    Table  5.   CBR values of weathered rocks before and after weathering simulation

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    表  6  风化岩的风化特征指数

    Table  6.   Weathering characteristic indexes of weathered rocks

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    表  7  风化岩风化程度分级

    Table  7.   Classification of weathering degrees of weathered rock

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