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李加武 王新 张悦 高蒙 陈子涛

李加武, 王新, 张悦, 高蒙, 陈子涛. 桥梁风致振动的混沌特性[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2014, 14(3): 34-42.
引用本文: 李加武, 王新, 张悦, 高蒙, 陈子涛. 桥梁风致振动的混沌特性[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2014, 14(3): 34-42.
LI Jia-wu, WANG Xin, ZHANG Yue, GAO Meng, CHEN Zi-tao. Chaos characteristics of wind-induced vibrations for bridge[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(3): 34-42.
Citation: LI Jia-wu, WANG Xin, ZHANG Yue, GAO Meng, CHEN Zi-tao. Chaos characteristics of wind-induced vibrations for bridge[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(3): 34-42.



国家自然科学基金项目 51078038

土木工程防灾国家重点实验室开放基金项目 SLDRCE10-MB-02

中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目 CHD2010ZD001


    李加武(1972-), 男, 安徽舒城人, 长安大学教授, 工学博士, 从事桥梁抗风研究

  • 中图分类号: U441

Chaos characteristics of wind-induced vibrations for bridge

More Information
    Author Bio:

    LI Jia-wu (1972-), male, professor, PhD, +86-29-82336252, ljw@gl.chd.edu.cn

  • 摘要: 利用非线性理论和混沌时间序列分析方法, 建立了桥梁风致振动的数学模型, 开发了计算桥梁振动加速度时间序列Lyapunov指数的MATLAB程序, 进行了桥梁涡振和颤振的风洞试验, 分析了不同风攻角下的桥梁风致振动的阻尼比、Lyapunov指数与风速的关系以及涡振振幅与风速的关系, 研究了桥梁颤振和涡振的混沌特性。试验结果表明: 在颤振试验中, 当风速小于颤振临界风速15.5m·s-1时, Lyapunov指数小于0, Lyapunov指数与阻尼比存在很大的相关性, 当风速从3m·s-1增大为18m·s-1时, 相空间逐渐发散; 在涡振试验中, 当风速从4.5m·s-1增大至8.5m·s-1时, Lyapunov指数大于0, 桥梁发生明显涡振, 并由多频振动逐渐转变为单频振动, 相空间变为一个较为理想的圆。桥梁的涡振与颤振均属于混沌现象, 低风速下的Lyapunov指数可用来预测高风速下的风致振动, 并且利用相空间也能识别涡振与颤振。


  • 图  1  颤振试验中阻尼比与风速的关系

    Figure  1.  Relationships between damp ratios and wind speeds in flutter test

    图  2  涡振试验中振幅与风速的关系

    Figure  2.  Relationships between vortex vibration amplitudes and wind speeds in vortex vibration test

    图  3  计算程序

    Figure  3.  Calculation program

    图  4  颤振试验中5°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  4.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of 5° in flutter test

    图  5  颤振试验中5°风攻角的阻尼比

    Figure  5.  Damping ratios at wind attack angle of 5° in flutter test

    图  6  颤振试验中3°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  6.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of 3° in flutter test

    图  7  颤振试验中3°风攻角的阻尼比

    Figure  7.  Damping ratios at wind attack angle of 3° in flutter test

    图  8  颤振试验中0°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  8.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of 0° in flutter test

    图  9  颤振试验中0°风攻角的阻尼比

    Figure  9.  Damping ratios at wind attack angle of 0° in flutter test

    图  10  颤振试验中-3°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  10.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of -3° in flutter test

    图  11  颤振试验中-3°风攻角的阻尼比

    Figure  11.  Damping ratios at wind attack angle of -3° in flutter test

    图  12  颤振试验中-5°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  12.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of -5° in flutter test

    图  13  颤振试验中-5°风攻角的阻尼比

    Figure  13.  Damping ratios at wind attack angle of -5° in flutter test

    图  14  颤振试验中风速为3m·s-1时的加速度时程曲线

    Figure  14.  Acceleration time-history curve at wind speed of 3 m·s-1 in flutter test

    图  15  颤振试验中风速为3m·s-1时的相空间

    Figure  15.  Phase space at wind speed of 3 m·s-1 in flutter test

    图  16  颤振试验中风速为18m·s-1时的加速度时程曲线

    Figure  16.  Acceleration time-history curve at wind speed of 18 m·s-1 in flutter test

    图  17  颤振试验中风速为18m·s-1的相空间

    Figure  17.  Phase space at wind speed of 18 m·s-1 in flutter test

    图  18  涡振试验中5°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  18.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of 5° in vortex vibration test

    图  19  涡振试验中5°风攻角的振幅

    Figure  19.  Amplitudes at wind attack angle of 5° in vortex vibration test

    图  20  涡振试验中3°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  20.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of 3° in vortex vibration test

    图  21  涡振试验中3°风攻角的振幅

    Figure  21.  Amplitudes at wind attack angle of 3° in vortex vibration test

    图  22  涡振试验中0°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  22.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of 0° in vortex vibration test

    图  23  涡振试验中0°风攻角的振幅

    Figure  23.  Amplitudes at wind attack angle of 0° in vortex vibration test

    图  24  涡振试验中-3°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  24.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of -3° in vortex vibration test

    图  25  涡振试验中-3°风攻角的振幅

    Figure  25.  Amplitudes at wind attack angle of -3° in vortex vibration test

    图  26  涡振试验中-5°风攻角的Lyapunov指数

    Figure  26.  Lyapunov exponents at wind attack angle of -5° in vortex vibration test

    图  27  涡振试验中-5°风攻角的振幅

    Figure  27.  Amplitudes at wind attack angle of -5° in vortex vibration test

    图  28  涡振试验中风速为4.5 m·s-1时的加速度时程曲线

    Figure  28.  Acceleration time-history curve at wind speed of 4.5 m·s-1 in vortex vibration test

    图  29  涡振试验中风速为4.5m·s-1的相空间

    Figure  29.  Phase space at wind speed of 4.5 m·s-1 in vortex vibration test

    图  30  涡振试验中风速为8.5m·s-1时的加速度时程曲线

    Figure  30.  Acceleration time-history curve at wind speed of 8.5 m·s-1 in vortex vibration test

    图  31  涡振试验中风速为8.5m·s-1的相空间

    Figure  31.  Phase space at wind speed of 8.5 m·s-1 in vortex vibration test

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