摘要: 为了解决变矩器设计周期过长和对经验数据依赖过多的问题, 运用反求技术对冲压型涡轮叶片数据进行计算、分析, 在建立广义的液流环坐标系基础上, 提炼出涡轮叶形设计流线的数学表达式, 获得叶片内、外环加工点的准确坐标, 推导出新的变矩器原始特性表达式。根据计算结果制成新的涡轮叶片, 比较了装有新涡轮叶片的液力变矩器与原样机的特性。试验结果表明: 新设计的变矩器和原样机的效率和失速变矩仅降低了0.5%, 转矩系数降低了1%, 新叶片与原叶片的误差小于0.605 2%, 因此, 本文在环坐标系下得到变矩器环面和轴面方程式是准确的, 保证了产品的设计性能, 并缩短了研发周期, 拓宽了变矩器研发的新途径。Abstract: In order to shorten the design cycle of torque converter and reduce the dependence of experience in design, the reverse technology was used to calculate and analyze the data of turbine's stamping blades.Based on the generalized torus coordinate system of liquid flow, the mathematical expression of blade design baseline was deduced, the machine coordinates of blade were obtained accurately on both inside and outside rings, and the original characteristic expression of new torque converter was described.Then, new torque converter with designed blades was tested and compared with prototype.Test result indicates that new converter efficiency and torque ratio with new turbine blades are only 0.5% lower than prototype, and the torque coefficient is only 1% lower.The error between new blade and origin one is less than 0.605 2%.Therefore, the torus and axial surface equations obtained from torus coordinate system is accurate.This method offers a new choice to ensure the reliability of product and shorten its cycle in the design of torque converter.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- torque converter /
- reverse technology /
- blade design /
- torus coordinate system
表 1 涡轮叶片外环点与内环点的坐标
Table 1. Coordinates of points on outer cycle and inner cycle of turbine blade
表 2 计算误差
Table 2. Computation errors
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