摘要: 为提高车路协同系统信息交互网络通信质量, 在规定延时范围内实现数据的准确交互, 构建了基于OPNET的车路协同系统信息交互平台。研究了多种车辆自组织网络路由协议, 应用最小距离路由竞争机制设计了基于车辆位置的分簇路由协议优化方法。基于OPNET对基于车辆位置的分簇优化路由协议和传统的路由协议进行仿真对比, 分析了不同路由协议对车路协同系统通信性能的影响。对DCF和PCF两种不同的信道接入协议进行仿真比较。仿真结果表明: 基于车辆位置的分簇路由协议中簇头变化率为1.47次·s-1; 在信息延时方面, 较AODV、DSR分别减少18.92%、26.90%, 较基于最高节点度和基于ID的分簇路由协议分别减少14.20%、21.54%;在网络负载方面, 较AODV、DSR分别减少20.83%、22.92%;PCF较DCF信道接入协议延时效果优越, 延时减少了约29.60%。Abstract: In order to improve the communication quality of information interaction network in cooperative vehicle infrastructure system (CVIS), and realize accurate information interaction within the limited range of time delay, the information interaction platform of CVIS was constructed based on OPNET.Different kinds of vehicular ad hoc network routing protocols were studied, and the optimized method of cluster-based routing protocol based on vehicle position was designed by using the minimum distance routing competition mechanism.The simulation results of the optimized cluster-based routing protocol based on vehicle location and the traditional routing protocol were compared based on OPNET, and the influences of different routing protocols on the communication performances of CVIS were analyzed.At the same time, two types of channel access protocols including DCF and PCF were simulated and compared.Simulation result indicates that the cluster-header change rate of cluster-based routing protocol based on vehicle position is 1.47 times·s-1.The time delays of cluster-based routing protocol based on vehicle position respectively reduce by 18.92% and 26.90% compared to AODV and DSR, and respectively reduce by 14.20% and 21.54% compared to cluster-based routing protocolbased on the highest degree and node ID.The network loads of proposed cluster-based routing protocol respectively reduce by 20.83% and 22.92% compared to AODV and DSR.The channel access protocol of PCF performs better than DCF by 29.60% in the aspect of time delay.
表 1 交互类属性与数据包参数
Table 1. Interactions attributes and parameters of data packet
表 2 分簇结构
Table 2. Clustering structures
表 3 车辆数与δ的关系
Table 3. Relationship between vehicle number and δ
表 4 信息重发率比较
Table 4. Comparison of information retransmission rates
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