摘要: 建立了装备空气弹簧的车辆系统数学模型, 推导了悬挂系统柔度系数计算公式, 分析了悬挂参数对车辆柔度系数的影响规律。设计了重锤法、角度测量法和加速度测量法测定悬挂系统柔度系数。利用重锤法对某车辆进行测试, 分析不同载质量和外轨超高工况下的动、拖车柔度系数分布。理论计算结果表明: 提高悬挂系统刚度, 增大悬挂系统横向跨距, 降低车体和构架的重心高度均可减小柔度系数, 从而可提高车辆的抗倾覆性能。试验结果表明: 拖车柔度系数大于动车柔度系数, 空载时相差0.021, 重栽时差异不大; 重载时的柔度系数大于空载状态的柔度系数, 最大相差0.109;最恶劣工况为拖车重载状态, 柔度系数最大值为0.245。柔度系数随着外轨超高的增加而增大, 且超高越大, 柔度系数增长速度越快, 因此, 在大超高线路上应严格控制车辆柔度系数。试验结果验证了理论分析的可信性, 且理论公式考虑的悬挂系统参数全面。Abstract: A mathematical model of a railway vehicle equipped with air springs was built, the theoretical formulas of flexibility coefficient for suspension system were deduced, and the effects of suspension parameters on the coefficient were studied.Gravity method, angle measuring method and acceleration measuring method were designed to measure the coefficient.Gravity method was applied to measure the coefficients of motor car and trailer under different superelevation and loading conditions respectively.Theoretical analysis result shows that the greater the stiffness and lateral distance of suspension system are, and the lower the centers of gravity for carbody and frame are, the smaller the flexibility coefficients are, which can improve the antioverturning performance of vehicle.Test result illustrates that the coefficient of trailer is greater than that of motor car with a difference of 0.021 under unloading condition, but little divergence under loading condition.The coefficient under loading condition is greater than the coefficient under unloading condition with a maximum divergence of 0.109, and the severe situation occurs under loading condition for trailer with the maximum value of 0.245.The coefficient increases with the increase of super-elevation of outer rail, and the greater the super-elevation is, the more rapid the coefficient increases, which means that the flexibility should be controlled seriously for large super-elevation track.The credibility of theoretical analysis is verified and validated by test result, and the obtained formulas are reasonable and include comprehensive suspension parameters.
Key words:
- railway vehicle /
- bogie /
- suspension system /
- flexibility coefficient /
- theoretical analysis and test
表 1 车辆基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of vehicle
表 2 超高量为130 mm时的柔度系数测试结果
Table 2. Test result of flexibility coefficient when super-elevation is 130 mm
表 3 不同超高量条件下的柔度系数测试结果
Table 3. Test result of flexibility coefficient under various super-elevation cases
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