摘要: 为了客观量化评价驾驶人驾驶熟练程度, 分析了实车试验环境中的眼动仪采集数据。采取注视区域划分方法, 选取8个注视转移模式表征参数作为评价指标。运用主成分分析方法研究了15个驾驶人眼动数据, 得到了基于注视转移模式的驾驶熟练程度计算方法。试验结果表明: 15个驾驶人驾驶熟练程度评价得分值与其驾驶经验里程之间存在密切关系; 运用提出的方法, 可以清楚区分以5.0×104 km驾驶经验里程为界限的2个群体, 但是在每个群体内部, 驾驶人驾驶熟练程度评价得分不呈现明显的规律性。Abstract: In order to quantitatively and objectively evaluate the driving proficiency of driver, the collected data from eye movement tracking device was analyzed in real vehicle test environment.By using fixation area division method, 8 characterization parameters of fixation transition mode were chosen as evaluation indexes.Principal component analysis(PCA) method was using to analyze the eye movement experiment data of 15 drivers, and the calculation method of driving proficiency evaluation based on fixation transition mode was built.Test result shows that the evaluation score of driving proficiency has close relationship with the driving experience mileage.When the threshold ralue of driving experience mileage is 50 000 km, the driving proficiencies of two groups of drivers can be distinguished by using the proposed method, but in each group, the evaluation scores of driving proficiencies have unobvious regularity.
Key words:
- traffic safety /
- driver /
- driving proficiency /
- principal component analysis /
- fixation transition mode
表 1 累计贡献率
Table 1. Accumulative contribution rates
表 2 转移概率
Table 2. Transition probablities
表 3 驾驶熟练程度评价得分与驾驶经验里程
Table 3. Evaluation scores of driving proficiency and driving experience mileages
表 4 八个指标对E值的影响程度
Table 4. Influence degrees of 8 indexes on E value
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