摘要: 在AC-25级配范围内, 通过调整拌合楼各热料仓比例生产出7种级配的沥青混合料, 采用贝雷法将AC-25级配组成划分为0~0.3、0.3~1.18、1.18~4.75、4.75~13.2、13.2~31.5mm5个区间, 运用灰色关联法计算了不同级配的各区间集料含量与级配离析的灰色关联度。分析结果表明: 灰色关联度可以较好地反映AC-25级配区间集料含量对级配离析的影响程度, 5个区间4.75~13.2、0.3~1.18、0~0.3、1.18~4.75、13.2~31.5mm的关联度依次减小; 4.75~13.2mm区间集料含量与级配离析的灰色关联度最大, 该区间集料含量的变化对最终路面级配变异会产生较大影响, 设计时可通过调整该种集料含量以获得较好的抗离析级配; 1.18~4.75mm和13.2~31.5mm粒径区间的集料含量与级配离析的灰色关联度偏小, 说明粗集料和细集料中的较粗部分对级配离析的影响较小; 各级配区间集料含量与级配变异程度的二次回归相关系数大于0.6, 说明集料间交互作用对最终离析程度影响较大, 仅考虑单个筛孔通过率对沥青混合料性能的影响, 有可能会消弱集料级配的离析特征, 应从不同粒级组合角度分析沥青混合料级配的抗离析性能。Abstract: Seven kinds of asphalt mixtures with typical gradations were produced by adjusting the scale of hot bunker of mixing plant in AC-25 gradation range.By Bailey method, AC-25 aggregate was divided into five gradation intervals such as 0-0.3, 0.3-1.18, 1.18-4.75, 4.75-13.2 and 13.2-31.5 mm.The grey relation degree of aggregate content and gradation segregation in each interval was calculated by gray relation method.Analysis result shows that the grey relation degree reflects the influence of aggregate content on gradation segregation in AC-25 gradation range very well.The relation degrees decrease in the order of 4.75-13.2, 0.3-1.18, 0-0.3, 1.18-4.75 and 13.2-31.5 mm.The relation degree is maximal in 4.75-13.2 mm, which illustrates that the variation of aggregate content in the interval has great effect on the final gradation variability of pavement, so a good segregation resistance gradation is obtained by adjusting the aggregate content.The relation degrees are smaller in 1.18-4.75 and 13.2-31.5 mm, which shows that coarse aggregate and the coarse part of fine aggregate have less influence on gradation segregation.The quadratic regression relation coefficient of aggregate content and gradation segregation in each interval is more than 0.6, which shows that the interaction amongaggregates has great influence on final gradation segregation, the segregation characteristic of aggregate gradation possibly weakens when the influence of single passing rate on the performance of asphalt mixture is considered only, so the segregation resistance performance of asphalt mixture gradation must be analyzed from different grain sizes'combination angle.
Key words:
- pavement material /
- AC-25 /
- gradation segregation /
- grey relation analysis /
- key interval
表 1 试验级配
Table 1. Test gradations
表 2 级配分计筛余偏离值
Table 2. Sieving deviations of gradations
表 3 不同级配的离析指标
Table 3. Segregation indexes of different gradations
表 4 计算和实际选取的筛孔尺寸
Table 4. Computational and actual selected sieve sizes
表 5 比较序列
Table 5. Comparative sequences
表 6 灰色关联度
Table 6. Gray correlation degrees
表 7 回归分析方程
Table 7. Regression analysis equations
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