摘要: 研究了基于磁流变阻尼器的铁道车辆半主动悬挂系统的控制方法, 建立了50自由度的车辆多体动力学模型和磁流变阻尼器的Spencer模型。运用模糊控制方法设计了基于车体加速度和速度反馈的模糊控制器, 利用电压控制函数和滞回特性分离法建立了磁流变阻尼器的逆模型, 用于预测控制电流。采用数值仿真方法研究了基于磁流变阻尼器的模糊半主动悬挂系统的特性, 分析了装用半主动悬挂系统车辆的动力学性能。仿真结果表明: 采用基于逆模型的模糊控制方法, 阻尼器实际阻尼力能有效跟踪控制系统的期望阻尼力。相对于被动悬挂, 基于磁流变阻尼器的模糊半主动悬挂系统能够有效地减小车体1~10Hz范围内的振动, 改善车辆的运行平稳性。当车辆运行速度为250km·h-1时, 振动加速度减小53.3%。当车辆运行速度为100~300km·h-1时, 车辆运行平稳性指标改善率为6%9%。Abstract: The control methods of semi-active suspension system for railway vehicle with magnetorheological (MR) dampers were studied.The multi-body dynamics model with 50 freedom degrees of railway vehicle and the Spencer model of MR damper were set up.The fuzzy controller based on the feedback of velocity and acceleration was designed.The inverse model of MR damper predicting the control current was built by using the voltage control function and the separating method of hysteresis characteristic.With the simulation method, the characteristic of fuzzy semi-active suspension system with MR dampers was studied and the dynamics performance of vehicle with semi-active suspension system was analyzed.Simulation result shows that when the fuzzy control method based on the inverse model is used, the actual damping force can track accurately the desired value given by the controller.Compared with the passive suspension system, the fuzzy semi-active suspension with MR dampers can reduce vehicle vibration in the range of 1-10 Hz.When vehicle speed is 250 km·h-1, vehicle vibration acceleration decreases by 53.3%.The riding comfort index increases by 6%-9% when the speed of vehicle ranges from 100 km·h-1 to 300 km·h-1.
Key words:
- railway vehicle /
- dynamics model /
- semi-active control /
- fuzzy control /
- MR damper /
- Spencer model /
- inverse model
表 1 磁流变阻尼器模型参数
Table 1. Parameters of MR damper model
表 2 模糊控制规则
Table 2. Fuzzy control rules
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