摘要: 进行了4组不同剪力连接度与腹板高厚比的组合箱梁低周反复荷载试验, 对组合箱梁的失效模式、滞回性能、骨架曲线、耗能能力、延性、刚度退化规律等抗震性能进行了深入研究, 重点分析了腹板高厚比和剪力连接度对组合箱梁抗震性能的影响。研究结果表明: 由于腹板高厚比和剪力连接度的不同, 组合箱梁存在局部屈曲破坏、弯剪破坏、压弯破坏和剪切破坏4种失效模式; 荷载-挠度滞回曲线和骨架曲线可分为弹性、弹塑性与破坏3个阶段; 不同剪力连接度与腹板高厚比情况下的荷载-挠度滞回环丰满而稳定, 没有明显的捏缩现象, 体现良好的抗震性能; 剪力连接度越大, 组合箱梁骨架曲线越饱满, 耗能能力越强, 但延性变化不明显; 腹板高厚比越大, 组合箱梁延性越好, 耗能能力越强; 剪力连接度与腹板高厚比对组合箱梁刚度退化前期有较大影响, 后期影响变小。Abstract: Four steel-concrete composite box-beams (SCCBBs) with different shear connection degrees and height-width ratios of web were experimentally studied under low-cyclic reversed loading.The seismic performances, such as failure mode, hysteretic behavior, skeleton curve, energy-dissipating capacity, ductility, and rigidity degeneration rule, were deeply studied.The influences of shear connection degree and height-width ratio of web on the seismic performance were mainly analyzed.Study result shows that according to different shear connection degrees and height-width ratios of web, there are four types of failure modes, which are local buckling failure, bending-cutting failure, compressing-bending failure, and shear failure.Load-deflection hysteretic curve and skeleton curve can be divided into three stages that are elasticity, elastoplasticity, and failure.Load-deflection hysteretic loops, with different shear connection degrees and height-width ratios of web, are plump and do not have obvious rheostriction, which shows that SCCBB has good seismic performances.Skeleton curve becomes plumper and energy-dissipating capacity becomes higher when shear connection degree increases, but the change of ductility is not obvious.Ductility becomes better and energy-dissipating capacity bocomes higher when the height-width ratio of web increases.The influences of shear connection degree and height-width ratio of web on rigidity degeneration are greater at earlier stage and less at later stage.
表 1 组合箱梁试件参数
Table 1. Specimen parameters of composite box-beams
表 2 钢材力学性能
Table 2. Mechanical properties of steels
表 3 试件延性
Table 3. Ductilities of specimens
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