摘要: 为了准确计算玄武岩纤维增强复合材料(BFRP) 加固损伤混凝土梁的挠度, 为BFRP加固损伤混凝土梁的设计与施工提供理论依据, 按照配筋率不同设计了11片试验梁进行试验, 每组试验梁设置不同的BFRP布加固量与加载方法。计算了各试验梁的荷载-挠度曲线, 分析了未加固梁、1层BFRP布加固梁、2层BFRP布加固梁在不同初始荷载下的挠度变化规律。给出了BFRP加固损伤混凝土梁跨中挠度的计算公式, 对比了挠度计算值与实测值。分析结果表明: BFRP加固混凝土梁的挠度受初始荷载和加固量的影响, 有初始荷载的加固梁挠度较无初始荷载的加固梁挠度增大30%~4%, 2层BFRP布加固梁的挠度较1层加固梁的挠度增大19%~2%, 计算挠度时需考虑BFRP布滞后应变的影响; 挠度计算值与实测值的最大差值平均为7.26 mm, 初始荷载小与配筋率高的试验梁挠度计算值与实测值较为接近, 可以用于实际工程计算。Abstract: In order to accurately calculate the deflection of damaged concrete beam strengthened with basalt fiber reinforced plastics (BFRP) and provide theoretical foundation for the design and construction of the beam, according to different reinforcement ratios, eleven test beams with different amounts of strengthened BFRP sheet and loading methods were designed.The loaddeflection curves of different test beams were obtained.Under different pre-loading programs, the changing rules of deflection of un-strengthened beams, strengthened beams with one layer and two layers of BFRP sheet were analyzed respectively.The calculation formulas of mid-span deflection of damaged concrete beam strengthened with BFRP were presented, and the calculated deflections and measured values were compared.Analysis result indicates that the deflections of damaged concrete beams strengthened with BFRP are influenced by initial load and amount of BFRP sheet layer.The deflections of strengthened beams with initial load increase by 30%-94%compared with strengthened beams without initial load, and the deflections of strengthenedbeams with two layers of BFRP sheet increase by 19%-42% compared with strengthened beams with one layer of BFRP sheet.The impact of post-strain of BFRP should be considered in deflection calculation.The average value of the maximum difference between the calculated deflection and measured value is 7.26 mm.When the initial load is small and the reinforcement ratio is high, the calculated deflection of concrete beam is closer to the measured value, and the method can be used in the engineering practice.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- damaged concrete beam /
- BFRP /
- deflection /
- strengthening /
- initial load
表 1 试验梁参数
Table 1. Parameters of test beams
表 2 试验梁加载方法
Table 2. Loading methods of test beams
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