摘要: 为提高机位指派计划的稳定性与降低航班延误波及效应影响, 以广州白云国际机场历史航班数据为例, 构建了不同航空公司之间差异化的航班延误概率分布, 分析了航班延误分布对机位冲突概率的影响。以机位冲突概率最小为目标函数, 以机位与航班类型为约束条件, 建立了机位鲁棒指派模型, 设计了贪婪禁忌搜索算法, 使用实际航班数据进行实例验证。计算结果表明: 使用提出的机位鲁棒指派模型与贪婪禁忌搜索算法, 获得最优解需要的迭代次数为43, 计算时间为0.72 s, 总的机位冲突概率为2.737 1;使用提出的机位鲁棒指派模型与传统遗传算法, 获得最优解需要的迭代次数为72, 计算时间为35.00 s, 总的机位冲突概率为2.741 2;使用现有的机位闲置时间最大的确定型鲁棒指派方法与提出的贪婪禁忌搜索算法, 总的机位冲突概率为3.018 0。与现有的确定型鲁棒指派方法相比, 提出的机位鲁棒指派模型可使机位计划的鲁棒性提高9.31%。Abstract: In order to increase the stability of airport gate assignment plan and reduce the propagation effect of flight delay, the different probability distributions of flight delay between different airline companies were set up by using the historical flight data of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, and the effect of flight delay distribution on the conflict probability of airport gate was analyzed.The minimum conflict probability of airport gate was taken as objective function, the types of airport gate and flight were taken as constraint conditions, the robust assignment model of airport gate was set up, the greedy tabu search algorithm was designed, and example verification was carried out by using real flight data.Calculation result shows that by using the proposed model and the greedy tabu search algorithm, the iteration times is 43 and the calculation time is 0.72 swhen the optimal solution is searched, and the total conflict probability is 2.737 1.By using the proposed model and the traditional genetic algorithm, the iteration times is 72 and the calculation time is 35.00 swhen the optimal solution is searched, and the totalconflict probability is 2.741 2.By using the exited deterministic robust assignment method with the maximum gate idle time and the proposed algorithm, the total conflict probability is 3.018 0.Compared with the exited deterministic robust assignment method, the robustness of airport gate plan raises by 9.31% by using the proposed model.
表 1 航班冲突概率
Table 1. Flight conflict probabilities
表 2 航班计划
Table 2. Flight schedules
表 3 冲突概率计算结果
Table 3. Calculation results of conflict probability
表 4 两种算法优化结果对比
Table 4. Comparison of optimation results for two algorithms
表 5 两种方法求得的机位指派结果
Table 5. Assignment results of airport gate by using two methods
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