摘要: 提出一种采用国际平整度指数(IRI) 评价机场道面平整度的适用性综合分析方法, 建立了1/4车辆模型与飞机的动力学模型, 采用IRI和飞机重心处竖向加速度(VACGA) 作为机场道面平整度的评价指标, 利用MATLAB/Simulink建立了IRI和VACGA求解模型; 以正弦函数形式的不平整激励模拟机场道面纵断面的微波起伏, 在不同振幅、波长和滑行速度条件下定量解析IRI和VACGA的分布特性。计算结果表明: VACGA和IRI均与振幅成正比; IRI的敏感波段为波长1~5m的短波, 并在波长为2m时达到最大; 飞机在200km·h-1滑行速度下, VACGA随波长的变化呈现3个波峰, 并且在波长为15m时达到最大波峰; 当飞机在滑行道的滑行速度小于40km·h-1时, VACGA的敏感波段为2.3~7.2m, 基本分布在IRI的敏感波段内, 说明滑行道平整度的评估可采用IRI, 但当飞机在跑道的滑行速度大于60km·h-1时, VACGA敏感波段为6.4~23.6m, 分布在IRI不敏感波段内, 说明当飞机在跑道的滑行速度较高时, 采用IRI检测机场道面平整度是不合理的。Abstract: A comprehensive analysis method of the applicability of international roughness index (IRI) based airport pavement roughness evaluation was proposed, the quarter car model and the aircraft kinetic model were built, the IRI and the vertical acceleration of center of gravity of aircraft (VACGA) were respectively proposed as the evaluation index of airport pavement roughness, and the solving models of IRI and VACGA were built by using MATLAB/Simulink.The microwave fluctuation of airport pavement profile was simulated by using the sinusoidal rough excitation, the distribution characteristics of the IRI and the VACGA under different amplitudes, wavelengths and taxi speeds were detailedly analyzed.Calculation result shows that the IRI and the VACGA are proportional to the amplitude.The sensitive wave band of IRI is shorter, its wavelength is 1-5m, and the IRI reaches the maximum value at 2m wavelength.At the taxi speed of 200km·h-1, the VACGA has three wave crests with the change of wavelength, and it reaches the maximum crest at the 15 m wavelength.When the taxi speed of aircraft is lessthan 40km·h-1 in taxiway, the sensitive wave bands of VACGA is 2.3-7.2m, almost distributes in the sensitive wave band of the IRI, which means that IRI can be used to evaluate the taxiway roughness.However, when the taxi speed of aircraft is more than 60km·h-1 in runway, the sensitive wave band of the VACGA is 6.4-23.6 m, not in the sensitive wave band of the IRI, which indicates that it is unreasonable to evaluate the airport pavement roughness using the IRI when the taxi speed of aircraft is higher in runway.
Key words:
- airport pavement /
- roughness /
- kinetic model /
- vertical acceleration response /
- IRI /
- sensitive wavelength
表 1 数值仿真的飞机参数
Table 1. Aircraft parameters in numerical simulation
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