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吴楠 肖军华

吴楠, 肖军华. 软土地区地铁高架结构不均匀沉降特征与影响因素[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(2): 12-20.
引用本文: 吴楠, 肖军华. 软土地区地铁高架结构不均匀沉降特征与影响因素[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(2): 12-20.
WU Nan, XIAO Jun-hua. Uneven settlement characteristics and influence factors of metro elevated structures in soft soil region[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(2): 12-20.
Citation: WU Nan, XIAO Jun-hua. Uneven settlement characteristics and influence factors of metro elevated structures in soft soil region[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(2): 12-20.



国家自然科学基金项目 51678447


    吴楠(1981-), 男, 江苏南通人, 昆山市轨道交通投资发展有限公司高级工程师, 北京交通大学工学博士研究生, 从事地铁结构安全与控制研究

  • 中图分类号: U443.22

Uneven settlement characteristics and influence factors of metro elevated structures in soft soil region

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    Author Bio:

    WU Nan(1981-), male, senior engineer, PhD, +86-512-57699166, 813778766@qq.com

  • 摘要: 为了探究软土地区某地铁高架结构不均沉降发展特性, 选取某地铁运营线高架段, 进行了为期2年的沉降观测, 观测结构包括: 高架车站、高架区间的简支梁桥与2座大跨连续梁桥; 分析了地铁高架结构的桥墩、道床不均匀沉降特征及其影响因素, 研究了地铁高架线路在建设期与运营期沉降的发展规律。分析结果表明: 该线路运营2年后, 桥墩累计沉降(相对运营开始的沉降) 最大值为12.4mm, 并仍有继续发展趋势, 地铁周边的建筑工程活动使全线共形成6个明显的沉降槽, 总体上相邻桥墩差异沉降小于2 mm; 高架车站的桥墩沉降以建设期为主, 建设期最大累计沉降为17.5mm, 建设期与运营期最大累计总沉降为18.8mm; 在建设期与运营期高架区间桥墩沉降无明显差异, 建设期最大累计沉降为14.2mm, 建设期与运营期最大累计总沉降为23.9mm; 高架区间简支梁桥上的道床板大部分为上拱变形, 最大变形为8.9mm, 而大跨连续梁桥主跨上的道床板下挠变形较显著, 跨径为129m的连续梁桥道床板最大挠曲变形达29.2mm。


  • 图  1  地铁线路与沿线环境

    Figure  1.  Metro line and surrounding environment

    图  2  道床测点布置

    Figure  2.  Measuring point layout on track bed

    图  3  双立柱测点布置

    Figure  3.  Measuring point layout on doubled piers

    图  4  单立柱测点布置

    Figure  4.  Measuring point layout on single pier

    图  5  运营期桥墩累计沉降曲线

    Figure  5.  Cumulative settlement curves of piers during operation

    图  6  桥墩沉降速率分布

    Figure  6.  Settlement rate distributions of piers

    图  7  B站桥墩累计沉降极值包络线

    Figure  7.  Extremum envelope of cumulative settlement for pier of B station

    图  8  C站桥墩累计沉降极值包络线

    Figure  8.  Extremum envelope of cumulative settlement for pier of C station

    图  9  沉降较大桥墩历时曲线

    Figure  9.  Settlement-time curves of piers with larger total deformation

    图  10  沉降较小桥墩历时曲线

    Figure  10.  Settlement-time curves of piers with smaller total deformation

    图  11  桥墩与道床累计沉降曲线

    Figure  11.  Cumulative settlement curves of piers and track bed

    图  12  简支梁桥道床与桥墩累计沉降对比

    Figure  12.  Comparison of cumulative settlements of track bed and piers for simply supported beam bridge

    图  13  上跨高速E大跨连续梁桥道床与桥墩累计沉降

    Figure  13.  Cumulative settlements of track bed and piers for large span continuous beam bridge overpassing highwayE

    图  14  上跨高速F大跨连续梁桥道床与桥墩累计沉降

    Figure  14.  Cumulative settlements of track bed and piers for large span continuous beam bridge overpassing highway F

    表  1  土层物理力学指标

    Table  1.   Physical and mechanical indexes of soil layers

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    表  2  车站基本信息

    Table  2.   Basic informations of subway stations

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    表  3  沿线周边建筑开发情况

    Table  3.   Adjacent construction development condition along metro line

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    表  4  建设期与运营期桥墩沉降

    Table  4.   Pier settlements during construction and operation

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